Monday afternoon (15 June) while I blogged Richard installed the new chain protector boards on the bowsprit. We then removed all the masking tape and cleaned the stainless around the stern which meant we were then able to reinstall our helm seat, dodgers and lifebuoy.
Tuesday morning it was quite a nice day. Early on the riggers came by and with some tweaking here and there we managed to get the main sail furled properly. With the new bearings we can now pull out the sail by hand although making sure the vertical battens are correctly in line requires a bit more stopping and starting so we tend to winch it back in. But very happy that we got this puzzle finally resolved! We continued cleaning stainless steel – including me climbing up to those difficult to reach places on the arch. As we were now stern to, we cleaned the port side lower rub rail and waxed/polished the hull between the main rail and rub rail as we could reach it from the dock. So both sides finished now – phew!
Wednesday we cleaned inside the rail to remove any sticky residue from the masking tape. Then we got ourselves cleaned up so that we could head down to the hospital for more blood tests. As we were just getting ready we received a phone call from Medicare to give us our number… relieved to receive that news….had been a long and frustrating road. Anyway we took ourselves off down to Southport and while Richard was in the queue for his blood test I went to the pharmacy to pick up the next month’s supply of prescription medication. And, of course, the Medicare number was incorrect as it was a digit short. And I had repeated this back on the phone after I had written it down so knew that what I had written down was all that the operator had given me. Bloody hell, here we go again! Anyway, medication in hand I returned to Richard in the pathology department and made the call. Only about a 30 minute wait this time to speak to an actual person, and yes there was another digit to add to the end. Pleased to reach the end of this Australian bureaucratic nightmare LOL.

Bloods taken we headed to the mall to get some shopping so I took the opportunity to have a quick ‘dry’ Thai back massage (which means it is all done through towels so no skin to skin contact) and Richard did the shopping. He also purchased a blood pressure machine while he was at it as he needs to keep this under daily review.
Job done we returned to Morphie. We put away our supplies and then I stupidly decided to try and download the Medicare app so that I could claim refunds for our medical expenditure to date. Hmmmm, this requires a unique number from the issued physical card. So I rang them again, trying very hard to be polite, and was told they would not be issuing us a card (or an access code to the system) as we didn’t have our identities verified at Centrelink. What?!? This is madness – Centrelink told me to apply on line because of Covid and well, you know the rest of the story. Bottom line is that they are happy to give us a temporary number (and no card) valid until early September but, in the meantime, we have to get our identities verified and submitted to them before cards can be issued. Until this happens we can’t access the online system or claim any refunds, although we can at least now access GP services without charge. I didn’t dare check my blood pressure after this latest setback LOL.
Oh yes and, on Facebook, we came across someone saying that their distinctive dinghy had been stolen from Russell Boating Club (NZ). And, guess what, it was our old Dink!!!! So we asked Abi how she came to be the owner of this dinghy as we had given it to Calum (for free, to make his dream ‘come true’). We were told that Calum’s dad Bill had sold them a boat which didn’t have a dinghy so they were given Dink for free. Disappointed by this news but what can you do?!? Anyway, Dink is now affectionately called Sinky (for obvious reasons), and was recovered without the new outboard the following day. Here’s the story below.

Thursday we went around the topsides and cleaned off more sticky residue and some other bits and pieces of varnish we had managed to get in various places. Strange how you don’t notice doing this at the time but can find it quite easily after the event. Anyway, it was a miserable day and torrential rain stopped play three times. So we called it a day, relaxed down below with a good book and the heater on and had a hearty stew for dinner. Yes, it was that cold!

Friday morning and it was cloudy, drizzly and cold again. So we did a few jobs down below and headed over to the laundry and once we had done that we relaxed again for the day. We are both getting a bit fed up with the weather and, to be honest, our list of boat jobs is getting a bit thin. So we are feeling a little stir crazy especially as we weren’t able to get a courtesy car this weekend to break up the week.
Saturday it was raining again and it was cold. Later on the sun tried to come out so Richard managed to get the new boards installed on the rail in preparation for the cans to be reinstated just before we leave here (they are currently very happy locked onto the dock). They look pretty good.

Sunday and it was a much nicer day, thankfully. So we made the most of it and took the covers off our hatches and scrubbed Morphie down as she was a bit grubby in places from the rain run off. We scrubbed her down, chamoised her dry, cleaned the hatches inside and out and then recovered them. She is certainly looking very sparkly and clean right now!

Afterwards we headed to the Galley for a late lunch which was nice. Then we came back and relaxed onboard. Oh yes and we received a large medical bill for the emergency ambulance ride to the hospital which, bizarrely, had been sent to our home address in the UK. There is no reciprocal arrangement for ambulance services so we’ll have to pay this one (the service is only free to Queenslanders) but we do have insurance cover to reimburse us once we return to the UK.
This morning, Monday (22 June) Richard has gone walking to the marina next door as he is looking for some new stainless steel screws while I’m blogging. This afternoon he has a two hour heart clinic appointment so we’ll see what comes of that. If they are happy and there aren’t any imminent medical appointments over the next week or so we think we are going to take ourselves off for a short road trip up the Queensland coast now that hotels and resorts etc have reopened. Chasing better weather and a change of scenery. But we’ll have to wait and see for now. Fingers crossed!

Stay safe everyone. Thinking of all our family and friends constantly. Bye for now