We had a relatively lazy morning in Cane Garden Bay and then headed out to go across the channel to Jost van Dyke. So far we have been getting feast or famine on this trip….and today was another one of those days. Beautiful blue skies, sun and sea – but coupled with no wind…. So we ended up motoring across. The sea was a bit swelly so we were swaying quite a bit as the waves hit us on the side of the hull. So although benign I’m sure many stomachs would have rebelled at this one! We went past Sandy Cay and into Great Harbour to find beautifully flat conditions. Picked up a mooring and, as we were getting ourselves sorted, up popped a turtle alongside the boat. Radical dude! He was a decent size with a couple of ramores attached to the underside of his shell.
Tidied up we headed off in dink to White Bay for our final Soggy Dollar afternoon. The conditions were perfect – and people were out in force. Quite a party atmosphere and we chatted to quite a few people before a long bob in the ocean. Headed back into the bar and, guess what, the skies darkened and the heavens opened. Oh well…..we were wet anyway. Said our farewells to the Soggy Dollar Gang and headed off round the point in dink – getting very wet again as Richard ramped up the revs into the waves – and back on board for a few hours before heading into Corsairs for dinner.
Had a fantastic dinner – yes I had lamb again, this time in curry sauce – and Richard had grouper with salsa. Amazing food as always and the only place you get sticky rice in the islands that we know of so far… and then, to my surprise, out comes a birthday chocolate dessert including candle and I got sang to. Totally embarrassed but it was a lovely gesture. Oh yes, the puppy crew came ashore too and had a few too many drinks…..
On Sunday we had already arranged for the Corsairs gang to come on board in the afternoon – so the morning was spent cleaning and preparing some nibbles. Richard went ashore to collect them and Vinny, Lori, Ghee and Roger came over to see Morpheus. They had a good look around and then we had Prosecco and nibbles in the cockpit. Roger and Ghee were getting paler by the minute and it was clear they weren’t going to be able to stand it for long. Luckily it was a very very calm day in the bay!
At this point Lori disappeared below and reappeared with a special decorated carrot cake that she had baked for us. We had talked about wanting to renew our vows here but didn’t like the pastor so had delayed it – and because they were coming on board this was a pre-wedding renewal vow party!!! What a smashing thing to do. Very very touched by all this. Anyway…Roger and Ghee bailed to the safety of dry land and Vinny and Lori stayed on for a while. A lovely chilled relaxing afternoon.
In the evening we went ashore for our final trip to Corsairs for dinner. Richard had an amazing lobster ravioli but I stayed on the club soda and didn’t have anything to eat. Felt really land sick – with everything swaying around. Not too much wine, honest!!! Anyway…we had a really nice evening….and donated our Bank of England sailing club burgee to Corsairs to pin to the wall with the others. We can’t fly it on Morpheus any more as we are no longer club members and this is a special place to us so a good place to leave it… Final farewells and so we have come to the end of another chapter – felt quite emotional, will miss these kind and generous people.
Richard wanted to go to Foxy’s one last time so we did walk down the road and watched a crowd of youngsters dancing along to the DJ and the rastaman hitting on all the scantily clad girls…. A quick cold one and back to Morphie to bed.
This morning we are heading round to Diamond Cay and to visit the bubbly pool as the surf is up and should be good fun… Bye Jost van Dyke it’s been great!
Bye for now