Thursday night we met Charlie and Saundra as planned and walked down the road to the Sunset Grill. The food was great, the ambience lovely, and the company were on form – fun time had by all!
Friday morning we were up early but bad weather had arrived during the night — William came to tell us that the Port Capitan had put out a severe weather warning for all boats under 40 feet because of the large waves out in the Yucatan channel. So the only diving option was into the park again – we decided instead to postpone for another day. As we were up early anyway, we headed into the marina for a fantastic breakfast before walking up the road to the supermarket.
Laden with fresh crusty bread, it is so good we really can’t resist, we arrived back and stowed our purchases. I had a lazy day on the boat – not feeling too good to be honest – while Richard started to tackle a sewing job. Our Lifesling currently sits on the rail under dink – which would make it pretty difficult to deploy.
We’ve decided to move it to the port rail but, of course, our new dodgers cover this so will need to be adapted to accommodate it. The weather cleared up a bit later and I was feeling a bit better so we went to the pool for a swim before heading back to Morphie for an early night, after a spectacular sunset.
Saturday morning and Richard continued with the Lifesling…..while I did some cleaning, stripping beds etc……
We were constantly being thrown around by the wakes of the large number of boat movements – some big motor yachts have arrived and there are the huge tourist catamaran booze cruises regaling us with their taste of music as they go on by….
Richard finished his project and we installed the Lifesling in its new position – excellent job. Well done! We can use it now – although, of course, we hope that we never have to.
We lazed around in the afternoon reading books and doing some more research on future destinations. We have to clear out of Mexico but all the ports that can supply this service are quite a long way north – meaning that our original plan of meandering down the coast towards Belize doing small hops as and when the mood takes us is not a (legal) option. Having to make a run for it – after clearing out – would take us between the mainland and the massive offshore reefs at night – and we know that these reefs are not accurately marked on the charts. And then there is the added complication of getting to the cut through the reef at the top end of Belize in daylight hours…. So we’re thinking of doing an offshore 300+ mile passage to the Bay Islands instead. These islands lay off the coast of Honduras – and we particularly want to dive in Roatan. That would put us in the area at almost the right time (fingers crossed) to get in the water with whale sharks….so the idea really appeals. And the sail back to the bottom part of Belize would then become a downwind run if the trades come from the east. We’ve not yet decided – but will keep you posted!
Sunday we were up early and cleaned Morphie thoroughly down below – the humidity is picking up here so we need to keep on our toes to prevent mould appearing…. Later on I prepared some appetizers as Charlie and Saundra were coming on board for sundowners. Had another great evening……and, of course, I forgot to take any photos!
Monday morning and we had a lazy start, dropped dink down from his davits, and took him for a run up the channel into the lagoon. We enjoyed the sights of the fishing village and the very small marinas all overflowing with boats – not to mention the broken docks and the big boys marina at the end! We wanted to go ashore at one of the small local hostelries that line the water front but actually couldn’t find anywhere to get out of the boat – with day tripper boats rafted up to drop off their guests everywhere.
So we came back – a bit disappointed – and spent the rest of the afternoon by the pool before a quiet evening on board.
Tuesday morning we were up very early as we were going diving at 8.30. The boat was there….we were there….our gear was there….but the other divers weren’t. We were going to have to share William with another two divers today rather than have the boat to ourselves – but both were experienced so we could still head out to do some ‘adventure’ dives. We took off finally about 9.15 and headed out across the channel. During the trip out to the dive site one of the guys was sea sick – good job it wasn’t that bad a day in terms of the waves….. We all kitted up – jumped in – and William is telling us all to stop. Well there had been a miscommunication on the boat – William planned to jump in, check the strength and direction of the current, to make sure we dropped in the right spot for the drift dive. But we were all instructed to jump in! So we did – and we then all had to get back out again. Oops…… So William resorted to sticking his head in the water over the side to check our position before we all went in again.
We descended to the bottom and Richard has a free flowing spare regulator – great, we’ve just had these serviced in Florida! It wouldn’t stop so he is losing air but it should be OK……. The visibility is poor and the water is cold with numerous thermoclines changing the temperature quite significantly. Never mind – we drifted along – and enjoyed the sights, particularly the turtle who was so busy munching he couldn’t even be bothered to look up to check us out!
Back on board and the guy is still being sick – so we scrap the idea of going to the far point of the island for another drift dive – and return to the marine park for a shallow dive where the water is calmer. Again the visibility wasn’t as good as before and the water was chilly – and this time Richard’s pressure gauge failed! So he was leaking air through his regulators and now his air drops from half a tank to virtually empty…. Luckily we had almost finished our diving bottom time so we started a slow ascent and Richard and I buddy breathed on my tank just to make sure. Damn….looking like we’ll have to try and source another gauge on our travels…and he’ll have to rent regulators in the meantime. Not the best diving experiences today.
Back to Morphie and we had a lazy few hours before heading to the bar to meet Hank and Mike – we had planned a pub crawl. We all met up and hopped into a cab – first stop was the bar where we watched all the locals having fun – before heading into the more tourist area and stopped at El Patio for a bite to eat and to watch the band – obviously fans of Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple – and quite amazing adaptions of their tunes. Moving on we then listened to an acoustic set before ending up in the salsa bar wearing silly hats and a bit of dancing.
Great evening – back to the marina suitably hydrated LOL!
This morning – Wednesday – and Richard is chilling while I’m blogging. We’re planning on playing boules later – so should be fun. We think we are going to be diving again on Thursday but watching the weather… another front is due to come through.
Bye for now