Exploring Bonaire

Sunday we had a busy morning cleaning all the salt off Morphie – she was absolutely caked in it…. Happy that she was sparkling again we headed ashore in the afternoon to explore the town of Kralendijk. We wanted to work out where a few things were eg a dive centre; a laundry; a supermarket; an ATM; a car-hire place etc etc…. All very sleepy with a mix and match of architecture – some looking very Dutch – but none of it looking very old!  As expected, the town was closed but we managed to find most things that we were looking for, and filed away their locations for another day. Some strange decorations outside one house too – would be good to go for Guy Fawkes night?!?!?!

Main road 1 Main street 2 Main street 3 Main street 4 Waterfront Waterfront 2 Waterfront anchorage Waterfront 3 Strange decorations!

On the way back to dink we went into Karel’s beach bar for a couple of beers – and ended up watching a bit of the latest World Cup football. Some Dutch cruisers came in – and were pointed in our direction by the bar staff as we had been asking a few questions – and they gave us the low down over a beer or two. The most useful information we found was that we had to go into the marina for pay for the mooring balls – not what customs had told us at all! They said that someone would come round to collect the fees. Hmmm….. Also we found out that the marina has a fuel dock – so useful for petrol and diesel – and, if the wind backs and the mooring balls become untenable, they move everyone in there instead. We were very grateful to them both for spending some time with us. We were feeling tired again pretty soon so headed back out to Morphie for a quiet evening on board and a lovely sunset.


Monday morning and we got up early as we needed to go in and clear immigration. All done quickly and no dramas….. and no money exchanged hands either! Nice…. We headed back into town to the supermarket for some soft drinks and fresh bread and then wandered to the dive shop to get our marine park ‘tokens’. These are compulsory if you want to snorkel or dive in Bonaire. They only cost US $25 each and give us free access to the Washington Slagbaai National Park as well as all dive sites – which we thought was pretty reasonable. What we hadn’t anticipated was that – before we are allowed to go diving – we have to do a buoyancy check with the dive school. OK – fine – we’ll sort that out later in the week, but at least we are good to go snorkelling. The mooring balls sit on top of the most gorgeous blue water – and right behind us we have navy blue as the depth drops away – so quite excited by the prospect! The water clarity here is amazing – you can see huge parrot fish just sitting at the dock and even coral under the surface at the water’s edge…..

Clarity of the water Clarity of the water 2

We then headed along the coast to the marina office to pay for our mooring ball – but it was closed – oh yes, forgot, there might be an important football match on today. We had already noticed that all the locals were dressed in orange!!!!


So we thought – why not, when in Rome and all that…. So we headed into the bar to watch the match – Holland –v- Chile – and the place was rammed. Was a fantastic atmosphere – the Dutch are really passionate about their football – and we even got complimentary orange shots every time they scored!

Holland fans Goal!!!!! All staff decked out in orange

The next match was Brazil –v- Cameroon and the supporters started to come in for that…. the bar staff changed their shirts and the orange world turned yellow and green. So we ended up staying for that match too – and again the atmosphere was great with banter between supporters and the cacophony of sounds from the trumpet things they all like to blow at every opportunity! Was a real family affair….

Brazil fans

When it was all over we headed back for a quiet night on board but had to listen to the multitude of fans who had taken to their cars driving along the waterfront with flags and trumpets and drums and just plain old celebratory noises! When we got back on board we had a ‘welcome to Bonaire’ letter from the marina office giving us their opening hours and saying it was mandatory to check in with them on the day you arrive after you have cleared customs and immigration…… Errrr…you were closed from 2pm Saturday until 9 am Monday – and we came by today at noon but you were closed. And, of course, now you have closed for the evening….. The letter threatened us with a fine so we guess we’d better make that a priority for the morning! Oh dear…. Never mind, nothing we can do, so we just turned in for an early night.

Tuesday morning and we are up early….. had a cup of tea and then headed around to the marina. The guy was busy when we got there so we waited a while until he turned his attention to us. Was going to grovel a bit – but he was lovely and took our money happily, along with some great tips about free shopping buses etc etc….. So looks like the ‘welcome letter’ is just a bit of a frightener to make sure you come and pre-pay! When we got back, after some breakfast, I started on the stainless steel cleaning – and Richard was doing some maintenance jobs, like freeing up a Y valve that had jammed; he fixed both furling drums / lines that had played up on the passage down; and also cleaned down below. We stopped for the occasional cold drink and finally gave up working at 4pm. By now we were pretty hot and tired – so decided not to go ashore – and just sat in the cockpit quietly.

Well……..it was quiet……..until the Colombia fans decided to make their presence felt after they had qualified for the quarter finals! A real mix of people here – and of course we are only 50 miles off the coast of Venezuela – so shouldn’t be surprised that most South American countries have a representative sample!

Columbian celebration

Eventually after about an hour of madness and mayhem they quietened down and the only sounds were the gentle lapping of the water against the hull….. Pure bliss – and wonderful sunset……

Sunset 2

Wednesday morning and we are off to sort out our diving. We arranged for an afternoon buoyancy check and decided to go for a ‘tank tracker’ card – which means that we can take tanks away with us, get them swapped out for full ones, and pay at the end. All very civilised! All sorted – and we headed back to Morphie via a local cafe for something to eat. Was horrified to see that they were avidly watching Geordie Shore – with Spanish subtitles – and hope to god they don’t think that all English people behave like that!!!!! I’d actually never seen it before – but a simple example of how bad this programme is – one girl asked her friends what happened on dates because she was good at sex but hadn’t actually ever had a date before!!!!! OMG – this cannot be for real…..

Back on board and we went snorkelling for about an hour. There are some very big fish living just under Morphie – including some French Angelfish who appear pretty territorial and get quite close to let you know that this is their territory.  Very funny….

Butterfly fish Sergeant Majors Richard having fun blowing bubbles Porcupine fish French Angelfish

After lunch we kitted up and headed off to the pier at the dive shop. The pier is really high and it was a bit of a feat to get out of dink….. We made it but wasn’t easy for sure! Was glad I was wearing my wetsuit so protected my knees from the clambering up….. In the dive shop we sorted out tanks / weights and kitted up. We walked across the road and into the sea. We thought a buoyancy check would be a ‘test’ dive to ensure we were capable – but no, all the girl did was sit on the pier, check we could go down and up, and then left us to it. So we headed out onto the house reef – dropping down to 20 metres on the way out and came back at around 12 metres. This was our first completely unguided dive – and we were very happy with how it all went. The topography is a lovely mix of soft and hard corals on a gentle sliding slope down to about 30 metres and then it drops sharply off into the blue – as we came through the channel between Klein Bonaire and Bonaire it was 200 feet and further out it goes down to 5,000 feet – and is so deep they train submariners here apparently!!!!! The usual suspects were in attendance….but much larger specimens than we had seen elsewhere in the Caribbean. The visibility is about 100 feet / 30 metres. And no lion fish!!!! Hurrah….. Think we are going to enjoy it here.

Back on board – along with four filled tanks for another day – and we chilled out for a couple of hours while we were drying our gear before stowing it all and then headed back into town. It takes about 2 minutes in the dinghy! Richard took me out to dinner at The Mona Lisa – which had pretty standard Dutch fare but was executed really well and was very tasty. Decided to start with a draft beer – and didn’t realise that they would be quite so big at 0.5L!!! We had one each and enjoyed a really nice dinner before heading back to the dock for a glass of wine before heading back on board. Was a late night for us – we didn’t get to bed until 10pm!!!!

Big beers

This morning – Thursday – we got up and had a cup of tea before kitting up to go diving directly off the back of Morphie.  Yay!!!!  We planned our dive and were in the water about 9.45 am. Headed off down the reef to 20 metres and turned left into a slight current. Great fish around – especially the large tarpon and the huge wrasse – and some pretty impressive shoals of decent sized fish. The coral is pretty and very healthy albeit not particularly colourful although lots of Christmas tree worms that pop back into the hole when you come by….. But when swimming in an aquarium where the fish come up close to have a look at you it really doesn’t matter… Back on board after a 46 minute dive – and we had some breakfast during our surface interval.

Back in the water again and this time we turned right….. so had a little drift dive in the current…. and then worked our way back. We saw two goldentail moray eels – one of them swimming freely – and loads of cowfish. a very large puffer fish and a little porcupinefish… This time we were in the water for 55 minutes. Check out some of our favourites from the diving……

Bonaire wildlife

Back on board and we are chilling and relaxing now – and have decided not to go ashore tonight. Planning loads more overland and underwater explorations over the next couple of weeks….. We are enjoying being somewhere completely new – although miss our cruising buddies!

Bye for now



Passage to Bonaire

Tuesday night at 11.50 pm we picked up anchor and set sail towards Bonaire.    It was lighter than we expected but was mainly due to the light pollution from Charlotte Amalie itself – the moon had not come up yet!   Once we were clear of the well-marked channel we headed into the wind and got our sails up.   The forecast tonight was for very light airs but we are about to go into our shift pattern for our first night at sea – so we put a reef in both the main and the genoa.  Our first waypoint was 144 miles away and our course was 228 degrees.  This was east of the direct course to Bonaire to make best use of the currents.

About 12.30 am on Wednesday morning we were sailing along nicely on a beam reach so Richard went off watch and took himself off to bed….  For this passage we were using the aft cabin as we were going to be on a port tack all the way and this berth is secure.    Nothing much was happening – very light airs around 10-15 knots.  We were moving along nicely at 5 knots so pretty happy with that.    Richard then popped his head up – can’t sleep with the nodding motion in the back cabin so was moving into the saloon instead.   Fine….  no worries.   About 2 am I changed course to allow for the strong current that was pushing us west so our heading was now 215 degrees.    But was still a nice reach and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

At 3 am we changed shifts just as a cruise ship passed us to port and a cargo ship was coming up behind us.   I took to the aft cabin – found it cosy – and had a good sleep.   Richard carried on that course for a while and the cargo ship passed us to port eventually.  It was a beautiful night with just the moon for company and slight seas around 2-3 feet.   I can wax lyrical about sailing at night – the river of phosphorescence in the water as it goes past the keel with sparkles lighting up as it goes alongside the hull….  The only way to describe this is to think of a leprechaun sitting on the bow throwing copious amounts of glitter into the water LOL.  With the moonlight shimmering across the water too it is just plain beautiful!   As it started to get light Richard spotted St Croix to port.

Sunrise over St Croix

At 6 am we changed shifts again – Richard back to the saloon and I’m on my own.   And the wind moved forward of the mast so was tracking at around 60 degrees….   The wind was building and so were the seas.   We now had swells and a squally gray day with gusts up to 23 knots.   We enjoyed some great sailing.

Because it was an overcast day our batteries were feeling the strain so we motor-sailed for a couple of hours to top them back up again – and, of course, they were not helped by the freezer or lack of solar power.   The remainder of Wednesday was more of the same…. no ships and the wind settled back to a reach.   Around 5 pm we decided to reef the genoa for the overnight passage….. and the furler jammed!   Great….   Richard went forward and spotted that the furling line had jammed beneath the drum so ended up having to rethread the whole thing – while I tried to keep the genoa full of wind to avoid any damage to the sail.  All fixed, phew, and time for our night shifts to resume and I enjoyed a spectacular sunset.

Sunset 1 Sunset 2

Thursday morning – around 4am – we reached our first waypoint.   So we had a slight change of course to our second waypoint which was another 70 miles away.   Beautiful sunrise as well……  During Thursday the wind remained steady at around 17 knots until around 5pm when the wind dropped to 9 knots and moved to 120 degrees.  Normally we reef for the night passages but this time we decided to throw caution to the wind and leave a full genoa out to maintain our boat speed.   Although the winds were light the seas were becoming increasingly swelly….. and we kept having to point higher to counteract the strong currents.

Sunrise 1

During the early hours of Friday the wind started to build so we reefed down again and we had 20 knots sustained with significantly higher gusts.  The waves were now building because of the 300 mile fetch from the Caribbean island chain and we were getting slapped every now and again by a rogue one.   We motor sailed again for a couple of hours to top up the batteries….. there is a real lack of solar power right now with these grey days.   The waves were now breaking too and were coming slightly at us.  Definitely a bit bumpy!   During Friday afternoon the wind eased back for a short period before it started blowing again and at 5pm we reached our second waypoint and changed course direct to Bonaire which was another 239 miles away.  We continually kept tweaking our course to keep to the east of the rhumb line.  Around midnight we had a ship pass our stern…the first we had seen for a while.

Underway 1 Underway 3

Sunset 6

Saturday early morning and it was horrible.  Our weather guru had warned us of a tradewinds surge coming Saturday night – we think it arrived early!!!!   Wind was now sustained at 24 knots and gusting 28…. the seas were now 10 feet and were a bit confused coming at us from all directions.   This was not fun, especially when the waves broke over the top of us.  I seemed to get wetter than Richard though, not sure how that works!   As we were nearing Bonaire we were expecting to see more commercial traffic and we started to spot vessels on our AIS – most of which were cargo ships or tankers.   This was definitely the worst part of the passage although things were not quite so daunting in the daylight hours.

Underway 4 Underway 5

At 6am shift change Richard is heading off to sleep and I’m taking charge.   I just sit at the helm and spot a huge and I mean HUGE ship coming out of the gloom straight towards us.  And of course no AIS signal either!!!!   I shout at Richard to come back up – he looks bemused – so I let off some working class language to alert him to the immediacy of my request!!!!!     OMG this guy is pounding into the waves and clearly hasn’t seen us….   He is about 2 miles away and we were not going to take any chances so we run downwind towards him…   Dorra the tanker passed us about half a mile off and we breathed a sigh of relief as we resumed our course towards Bonaire.   Oh yes, and I let Richard go back to sleep now the drama was over!

Tanker coming out of the gloomDorra passing alongside

At 8am Bonaire appeared out of the gloom and we were relieved to see her.

First view of Bonaire

At 10 am the wind was sustained at 26 knots gusting 33 knots and we were getting closer to the island.  Because we know that the wind always howls when you get near an island we decided to drop all sails and motor in.   Man did it blow!!!!!    At one point we had 2,500 rpm on the engine and we were barely making 2 knots as the wind and waves were now coming straight at us as we rounded the island.   We endured these conditions for three hours plus and it was horrible…. just plain horrible.    As we continued along the west coast of Bonaire the wind continued to howl although the sea started to moderate.   As we got between Klein Bonaire and Kralendijk the sea flattened dramatically and we were able to motor along the waterfront to find a mooring.   Moorings are compulsory here….and at 2pm we were safely secured and had arrived!!!   Hurrah…..we made it!!!!    445 miles in total which took us 84 hours and an average speed of 5.3 knots – we had planned our passage based on an average of five knots to ensure that we arrived in daytime….  So pretty pleased overall with both ours and Morphie’s performance…..

We quickly got cleaned up, dropped dink, put the outboard back on him, and headed into customs and immigration.    Customs were there – and very helpful – but no immigration.   They said come back Monday and gave us the form!   Very laid back…..    We then headed to the nearest bar to our boat – Karels – and had a couple of well-deserved cold beers and a burger in paradise.   Let everyone know that we were safe and back to Morphie for a looooooooong sleep.

Saturday afternoon we went to bed at 5pm and Richard slept for 14 hours straight!!!!   I didn’t – kept checking the batteries bizarrely – but felt rested by Sunday morning……  We plan to go exploring and do some diving – so bye for now and I’ll leave you with some pictures of the Bonaire waterfront taken from Morphie.

View from Morphie to the waterfront View down the mooring field View from Morphie to the waterfront 2


Final days in St Thomas

Friday afternoon and the refrigeration guys were running late – thank goodness for that local phone!!!  So we agreed that I would go ashore – alone – to get the blog published while Richard stayed on board doing more boat jobs, just in case…. When we climbed into dink we realised that he had deflated down one tube (side) – we looked like right old cruisers putting slowly along with only half of the dinghy inflated!!!!   Richard dropped me off at the marina and headed back to fix the problem. I took myself off to the coffee shop taking a few more photos of the marina along the way.

Marina 2 Marina 3 Marina 1

Luckily dink didn’t have a leak – more just the valve stopper had come out somehow – and the heat forced the air passed the valve. Well, that’s what we think anyway, as since dink has been pumped back up he has been fine since! Richard came and picked me up once I’d finished blogging and radioed him for a lift using the mobile VHF.

David and JR from Reefco arrived later in the afternoon and fixed the fridge in short order – it just needed more gas. The freezer, however, was being problematic. They identified that they thought that the Smart Speed Control box was playing up and potentially needed more gas too – but as the freezer was so ice-bound it was possible that this was causing issues too as air circulation is crucial in these Frigoboat units. So we left it that I would defrost and restart the freezer over the weekend and they would return on Monday if it didn’t resolve itself… Oh well…. never mind…. Luckily we had purchased some chemical icepacks which were already frozen solid….so I put all our frozen food into a coolbag and had my fingers crossed…while I forced it to defrost using warm water. Managed to get it ice free and drained in two hours – phew – and restarted it. Immediately it started to cool down so we repacked it and hoped for the best. After a busy day we went ashore for a couple of hours for sundowners – this time at a posh wine bar called Grand Cru – and then had a quiet night on board.

Richard at Grand Cru

Saturday we were up early and had already done some hand washing and were busy down below getting the boat ready for sea as well as running the generator and making water. This time we were getting the life-raft and grab bag ready, as well as charging up the hand-held Garmin, the hand-held VHF radio, testing the EPIRB etc…. and Richard popped his head up into the cockpit and spotted another Island Packet coming close by. It was Latitudes! They had read our blog and realised we were still around so came to see if they could find us… They anchored in front of us and then Nancy and John came aboard for a quick catch up and look around.

Latitudes at anchor

We stayed on board Morphie while they headed off shopping – and we then rejoined them onboard Latitudes for sundowners. It was interesting to see the differences between the two IP 370s – ours being a 2008 and theirs being a 2012 model – the main ones being a different make of cooker (ours is Force 10); the much softer leather fabric on their saloon cushions (although they have no hard backs to keep them in position); the position of some of the electrics and, bizarrely, the plugholes in the sinks; no drain holes in the fridge / freezer (and the best news for them – different controllers!); and the most significant of all, an electric fresh-water head!!!  Of course that doesn’t include any of the stuff we have added to go cruising……

At this point we were going ashore to watch the first England World Cup football match against Italy.

Come on England

Nancy and John had decided to stay the night in the anchorage so came ashore with us as well……  We had a great evening in the Fat Turtle – including some bites for supper – and enjoyed ourselves a lot.   Shame about the football result!

Sunday we carried on with boat preparation for the passage….and were pleased to see that the freezer was still coming down in temperature… Fingers still crossed though.   In the morning we waved goodbye to Latitudes as they left for the rest of their trip – was so pleased we managed to hook up again!

Latitudes underway

And that was it for the day really – we had a quiet evening in the cockpit having enjoyed another moody sunset over St Thomas and the comings and goings of the little sea plane.

Seaplane St Thomas sunset

Monday morning – the freezer is still pulling a huge load but is refusing to come down the final few degrees….. So we called David again and he agreed to come out after lunch.  So we went ashore for some last-minute shopping – we particularly needed a new kettle – and some more drinking vouchers as Bonaire uses the US dollar…  Back on board lunchtime and David turned up as promised. He recharged the freezer with a little gas and immediately the temperature went down. Fantastic!  And for no charge either today!  Great guys these – would definitely recommend Reefco to anyone who needs this type of service in St Thomas. While he was on board David also said that the controller was definitely (quote) “a pile of junk”!  It doesn’t stop pulling amps even when the freezer reaches its set temperature so I have to manually intervene to avoid the batteries being drained – in his opinion, we need to consider putting a Merlin controller on as a replacement on both the fridge and freezer.  Eric – on Cutter Loose – did this earlier this season so maybe it’s time we should follow his example!   Reefco has them in stock so we may do this here if we don’t get a weather window soon.

Later on we went ashore for internet and have identified a potential weather window for Wednesday – so we have e-mailed our weather guy to get him to look at it for us. Fingers crossed – much as we have enjoyed ourselves here in St Thomas we are keen to move south this time of year as we are into the hurricane season already.  We had another quiet evening on board – with another sunset – before another early night.

St Thomas sunset 2

Tuesday morning and two cruise ships have come in early….. We go in to the marina for a breakfast bagel with coffee and the internet. We enjoyed the sights of the ships on the way in and also the huge jet boat that was coming in for his first passengers / victims of the day!   Once ashore we spotted this gorgeous little dog chilling – so had to have a picture and a quick pet.   Ahhhhh…..

Two ships in Cruise ships 1

Cruise ships 2 Jet boat Cute dog!

Finally online and yes – we have a response from the weather guy – we are definitely good to go!  But there is an expected surge in the tradewinds on Saturday night in Bonaire so we need to arrive before then. That means we have to leave tonight – wow! Wasn’t expecting that.  But we are ready so decide to go and request a detailed forecast from midnight on that we know what to expect throughout each stage of our passage.

Because we thought we might be off Wednesday I had brought our boat papers ashore so we headed to the plush Customs office in the marina. Oh dear…door locked. Went into the marina office to ask about opening hours – to be told that this was for marina guests only!!!!  So superyachts get their own customs and immigration office – and the rest of us have to take the dollar bus down to the ferry ferminal in town and clear out there!!!  Hmmmmm…… No choice so off we go – and arrive at 11.45 am. The lady in the office is keen to close at noon for lunch so helps us fill in the forms – even splitting them so that we were both busy at once – and we were in and out in just under 10 minutes flat. The nicest experience in an US office for sure!!!!

View out to the anchorage from the ferry dock

Back on the bus to the marina, we pick up dink, and took our final photo of Morphie at anchor in Charlotte Amalie.

Morphie at anchor

Then back on board for the final preparations noting that we now have three cruise ships in!  Right – ready to go – everything stowed, food ready, fridge stocked, passage plan sorted etc etc…. Richard returns to the marina to pick up the personalised weather forecast.

Basically we have mild conditions 10-12 knots Tuesday night, with 2-3 foot seas and these persist throughout Wednesday. Wednesday through Thursday we are expecting 17-22 knots and six foot seas. Friday a tropical wave is forecast to pass north of us limiting wind to about 20-25 knots and six foot seas. Trades surge Saturday night so need to be in by then otherwise we are facing much stronger winds / bigger seas. He also gave us a current-optimised routing to do the easting early – in lighter conditions – before running south. Fantastic advice – let’s see how it all pans out!   Richard comes back onboard armed with all this information – so we refine our passage plan, set up the waypoints on the chart plotter / charts and phew, finally ready to go!

We have a few relaxing hours in the cockpit enjoying watching the skills of the cruise ship captains as they depart – reversing alongside each other down the dock and off out to sea. Glad they will all have left before we do!

Cruise ships reversing past each other Cruise ships reversing past each other 2

We go to bed for a few hours around 7pm with the alarm clock set for 11 – which arrives way too quickly!   We do our final checklists – picking up our anchor and setting sail at 11.50 pm. Destination is Bonaire, distance is 450 miles, and the expected passage time is around 3 days 12 hours if we average 5 knots per hour (allowing for strong currents and mild conditions). Excited, a bit apprehensive….but we’re off!

Catch up with the next blog tomorrow about our passage…..   Bye for now


Back to reality….

Having got the blog published on Saturday morning we went back to Morphie and got ourselves ready for another beach afternoon – having said farewell to Arndt (Zanshin) who was heading over to the USVIs. We dinghied around the point, pulled dink up the beach, and went into the Soggy Dollar bar.

Liming in White Bay

Of course, we were planning to visit other places too…. but we were enjoying liming, bobbing, socialising, people watching and plain old chilling so much that we didn’t end up moving on. We met some really nice people and had a great afternoon. Mic was in a devilishly – or should I say horny??? – mood and might even have missed his ferry because he was too interested in a certain lady wearing not much more than a thong!!!!

Liming in White Bay 2 Mic was feeling horny

We had a great time, as always, said our sad farewells to everyone – and dinghied back around the headland admiring the stunning cloud formations.

Beautiful sky

For the evening we went into Corsairs for a great dinner – and enjoyed a few laughs with Vinny, Debbie and JR when they caught their breath between serving customers. The place was rammed and people just kept on coming…. including one group of nine whom without any reservations wanted to be seated immediately and were not prepared to wait. They got seated quite quickly but the service wasn’t fast enough – so they left! I think it was probably for the best as they had been quite rude and I think Vinny might just have told them what he thought if they had stayed LOL.

Corsairs staff having fun Having fun with Vinny

Relaxing at the bar after dinner we also met up with the Californian couple that we had spent some time bobbing with earlier in the day. In the restaurant there was a large table of Sicilians being quite noisy and then suddenly they started singing…… serenading the staff…. and then one largish guy stood up and wowed us with his opera! Not what you expect to happen in Corsairs – what an amazing day!

Sicilian opera singer

Sunday morning and we were up early getting the boat ready to depart on Monday. And I was cooking lunch for the gang at Corsairs as promised – this time it was a shepherd’s pie. So at around 1pm we headed in and served it up for us all. Went down well – everyone enjoying their taste of English comfort food – and certainly the plates were cleared pretty quickly. We had a couple of beers and then said our farewells. Vinny is remodelling Corsairs for next season so wants us to head back to see it if we can in the future – never say never!!!!

Sunday lunch

Having left Corsairs we wandered down the sand main street to the Police Station to do our customs clearance in preparation for leaving Monday morning.

Main road, Great Harbour, Jost van Dyke Great Harbour 1 Customs house Great Harbour

Well – the immigration guy was there but the customs lady had gone walkabout…. So we waited – and then more boat captains came in and were starting to kick up a stink. They were asking questions and being quite difficult….and aggressive. We refused to get involved and just quietly walked up to the desk to await her return and to make sure we remained first in the queue. Eventually she came back – in an absolutely foul mood! – so we quickly completed our paperwork, paid our $5 fee, and left them all to it……

Back to Morphie we lifted dink and had a quiet afternoon and evening on board, enjoying our final BVI sunset.

Sunset in Great Harbour

Monday we slipped away quietly – saddened at having to leave having had such a great time – but it is time to get back to reality!

Goodbye JVD

We hoisted our sails and had a spectacular 90 degrees reach across the channel bearing 210 degrees on the compass – which, incidentally, is the proposed bearing for our run to Bonaire. That made us smile….. We rounded Carvel Rock and we were able to continue sailing up alongside St John.

Carvel rock

We both really enjoyed ourselves. We picked up a mooring ball and dinked round to Cruz Bay to clear into the US Virgin Islands. This was friendly, very quick and no money exchanged hands. Result!  We then went to pick up our parcel – was all very efficient and they only charged us $3 for the one-off service. Amazing… We had a quick lunch – completely forgetting about the size of US food portions – so eventually surrendered and resorted to taking a doggy bag back to Morphie as we were so full!!!!

Waterfront Cruz Bay, St John

Back on board – and Arndt was still not on board Zanshin so we missed saying farewell to him sadly – and slipped towards our next destination Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas. As we headed towards Current Hole – which is a cut between Great St James Island and the mainland – we realised there was a large ferry bearing down on us from behind. Then he gave us two loud horn blasts – which actually means in sailing speak that he is going to be turning to port – but continued straight at us at speed. So we had no choice but to turn 90 degrees to starboard to avoid getting run down. As we were turning he passed us closely and we had to hang on as Morphie rode the serious wake…. Richard gave the captain the finger while all the tourists on the top deck were taking photos of us and waving. Hmmmmmm….. The most annoying thing about all this was that ferries actually go through another cut – not the one we were heading for – so this ferry ended up turning starboard straight across our bow once he had passed us so we had to cope with his wake for a second time. Phew….. Why he didn’t just pass our stern to starboard in the first place is beyond me. Richard was pretty calm – although annoyed – whilst I found it all a bit stressful as I was on the helm at the time.

Arriving into Charlotte Amalie we saw that we had one cruise ship in town already – and we anchored out in the bay enjoying the sights of our new huge neighbour and the superyachts in the marina. Once we had got ourselves settled in we went into the marina to get access to the internet primarily to check the weather forecast and pick up e-mails. We were expecting an e-mail from a weather forecaster who supplies this service to cruisers…. but unfortunately it hadn’t arrived.

Huge neighbour

IGY marina

Was fun to wander the marina – with its top end stores like Gucci, Louis Vitton, Bvlgari to name just a few, some little huts selling tourist tat on cruise-ship days, and the landscaping with flowers and trees everywhere. We eventually ended up in the Fat Turtle for a couple of happy hour beers before we headed back to Morphie for a quiet night on board enjoying our first St Thomas sunset.

Flowers and trees everywhere 2

Tourist stuff for sale

view looking out from the marina Yacht Haven Grande shops Our new local

Flowers and trees everywhere 1Sunset in St Thomas

Tuesday morning and we were up very early. Richard installed the new SSB earthing system we had purchased while I sorted out the laundry and compiled a shopping list for items that we need for the passage meals…..

New grounding system for the SSB

We also spotted that our fridge and freezer were not behaving themselves – again…. Hopefully it is not a sign of things to come. Oh yes, and the SSB problems are not fully resolved. Grrrrrr……

Later in the morning we headed to the Coffee Shop for internet – and picked up the e-mail. The weather window we had identified ourselves remained a good one for the run down but there was a wave coming through Bonaire which meant we would have to arrive by sunset Saturday latest. If we average five knots – allowing for strong / weak / no wind at times – then we have to leave early Wednesday morning to make this possible. We are now in a dilemma – we want to get going but we still do not have a working SSB and we may have refrigeration problems to boot. Bearing in mind this is Tuesday lunchtime now…. We haven’t got our meals done and need to get an expert to look at the SSB.  If we stick with our original Wednesday midnight departure we could be looking at a forecast of 33 knots of breeze and biggish seas for the last 12-24 hours of the passage. Hmmmm…..  We decide that this puts us under too much pressure and it is prudent to wait for another window. If we had got this e-mail Monday afternoon as planned we might just have been able to do it…. Oh well…. looks like we are going to be here for a little while after all. Really disappointed but these things happen….

But we want to be ready when the weather co-operates – so we go back briefly to Morphie, collected the laundry and took ourselves off to the self-service launderette. Not the most exciting of things to do on a hot and steamy afternoon – but at least they had a TV and fans!

Wash day again.....

Task completed, we headed back and dropped our laundry off at a complimentary baggage check place in the marina!!!!  Then we had a couple of happy hour drinks in the Fat Turtle before returning to Morphie, having been reunited with our laundry, for another quiet evening on board.

Goodnight Morphie

Wednesday morning and we are up early – and we have an SSB guy coming at 10.00 am. He turned up on time….but he couldn’t fix the radio. It appears ‘locked’ in that some of the buttons do not work so you can’t tune through different frequencies on different modes – so we couldn’t even listen to the local radio station which gives out local strong signals to check our receiver. So we are restricted to pre-programmed frequencies but we could live with that – but he couldn’t get the reception clear enough to hear anything. His view is that this is an ICOM factory problem not something a user can fix. Damn….. looks like we’ll have to do without it for now then!   But at least we know that it isn’t something I’ve done – as the official certified long-range radio user on board…. Pleased about that because I had been starting to doubt myself.

In the afternoon after a quick lunch we headed off to the large Pueblo supermarket which is within walking distance. It’s a bit run down – and not exactly upmarket – but we managed to get pretty much everything that we needed. Back on board – all shopping stowed – and we go back out for a while. I got my hair cut in a very up-market spa in the marina – with complimentary mimosas whilst I was being tended to – and Richard was at the coffee shop surfing the net. We met up again for happy hour in the Fat Turtle before going back to Morphie for the evening. St Thomas is not the safest place we have stayed so we are not really planning evenings out unless it is within the marina complex but enjoy going ashore for a couple of hours to relax after doing boat jobs the rest of the time…..

Goodnight St Thomas

Thursday morning and it’s clear that the fridge and freezer are playing up again…. Groan….. They are draining huge amounts out of our batteries and are struggling to maintain, or even reach, their programmed temperatures. Oh dear… so we head off ashore again to try and organise a refrigeration company to come out to us. We have an old Nokia phone that we put a Grenadian pay as you go chip in to use while we are out here – but, of course, this phone won’t work here in the US Virgins as they use a different frequency. This is getting tedious.

We send an e-mail instead and decide to go and buy a local phone – Kmart is the best place so off we wander. We managed to get one with credit for only $40 so wasn’t too bad and got some other things we had been after for a while too – so was a pretty useful trip. Back on board we head off in dink to find Antilles Gas which is round in Crumb Bay – about 20 minutes away. So we putter along enjoying the sights of the waterfront of St Thomas…. and as we come round Crown Bay we realise that there is a huge cruiseship in there today, one that holds more than 5,000 people!!!! And we need to go round it. Wow – didn’t ever expect to see one of these up close and personal.

Charlotte Amalie Up close and personal with a cruise ship

Arriving in Crumb Bay and we realised that we were in the ship graveyard with remnants of hulls just sticking up through the water. So we puttered through pretty carefully. We found the propane plant and got our gas bottle filled up – and felt the heat from the huge power station as we went past.

Boat graveyard 1

Boat graveyard 2 Power station

Arriving back on board and we chilled for a little while – before heading back into the marina realising that a huge cruise ship was following us in!  So we picked up our pace and got away from the channel quickly. We made it into the Fat Turtle for the opening match of the FIFA 2014 World Cup – I guess this is our silver lining to the cloud of having to delay our departure south!!! We enjoyed the Brazil –v- Croatia match, although thought that the referee drawing a line on the grass with an aerosol can for players to stand behind was a bit over the top!!!! After the match we came across loads of locals doing a Zumba class in the square in the marina – was like a flash mob. Great fun! Back on board safely for another quiet night.

Trying not to get mown down! Exercise class in the square Goodnight St Thomas 2

This morning – Friday – and we are up very early. So early we saw the huge full moon before it went to bed – and the sun as it rose in the sky. Beautiful until the peace of the morning was shattered by another cruise ship turning up.

Huge full moon Sun coming up

Anchor buddy

We are onboard awaiting the refrigeration man to resolve our issues. I am feeling quite anxious as I have a lot of good quality meat in the freezer that I don’t want to thaw and I’m already cooking up meals for our passage to go in there too so don’t want all that effort to go to waste. In the meantime, I’m blogging while Richard is keeping himself busy with domestic jobs and has just dropped me off to get this published as we have heard that he won’t be with us until later on today now…..

The weather guru is going to revisit the passage plan on Monday – but thinks it it unlikely we will get another window next week….. so could be here for a little while longer, probably watching football!!!  Will keep you posted.

Bye for now.


Still on holiday in the BVI

Sunday afternoon we went ashore primarily to get some cash.  An ATM had been installed behind Myetts relatively recently so we had all things flexible crossed. And yes….it did work….. hurrah!!   We now have some drinking vouchers and can give our credit cards a welcome break!!

Wandering the streets behind the beach Beach at Cane Garden Bay Wandering the streets behind the beach 2

Back on board for a short while before we got ready to go to the Elm. Arndt had pulled in too so we had agreed to meet him. We caught up with Steve and the gang and had a chat and then settled into the best seats in the house for dinner and the music. Usually Malcolm (Manpot from TTOL fame) has this table but he wasn’t coming and had told Arndt that we could have it instead. VIP treatment!  Had a wonderful welcome back hug from our favourite waitress and we settled in and enjoyed the spectacular sunset.

Great welcome from our normal lady

Arndt at the Elm

Sunset at Cane Garden Bay

Shortly afterwards we were approached by the gang from Latitude – another Island Packet 370 which was out in the bay. We had watched it come in but had assumed that charterers were on board as we had seen the Island Yachts logo on the side. But they were the owners – along with their daughter – and their boat had actually replaced Morphie in the fleet – and we had been in email conversations and they are followers of my blog!   What a small world….. We quickly invited them to join us and the conversation flowed….

Crew of Latitude Us at the Elm

The band were great, the food was lovely, and we had a really nice evening. I even danced a bit – although it always gets a tad tedious when one particular rasta guy asks me to dance. I said ‘no’ my husband wouldn’t approve…..so this guy asks Richard for his permission! Which he thankfully refused…. I know that this guy is probably fine but I’ve seen him getting jiggy jiggy with so many tourists over the years he actually gives me the creeps! We said our goodbyes to everyone and were back on board, quite late, but with arrangements to meet up on Tuesday for a Soggy day.

Elmtones having fun Dancing the night away Elmtones having fun 2 No thanks don't want to dance!

Monday morning and we went ashore to get more drinking vouchers…. The limit on this ATM was quite small so wanted to top up. Well it said yes again but only spat out $40. Panic! The machine didn’t give me a receipt so I asked for another transaction and managed to get a receipt showing that $40 was all I received. So all I can do is hold on to that and wait until the transaction comes up on line….. To cheer me up, Richard took me out to breakfast at Rhymers and we enjoyed the views of the anchorage as well as some Facetime with Rachel, Kiera and Finlay. Was lovely to speak to them all again….. well, actually, we just made faces and noises at Finlay as he’s not old enough to talk yet!

Cane Garden Bay anchorage

Back to Morphie – waving at Latitude on the way – and we headed off across the channel to Diamond Cay. This is between Jost van Dyke and Little Jost van Dyke….and is a favourite anchorage of ours because we often see turtles here. As we approach the anchorage a power cat comes charging through at high speed to overtake us – obviously concerned to grab the last mooring ball. We let him go – we’re going to anchor anyway! Well…. he did grab the last ball… but not in the way he planned to as he propped it and was facing the wrong way when we arrived. Have to say we felt that he got what he deserved for his un-seamanship behaviour! And it took him quite a while with divers in the water to get free…

Facing the wrong way

While we are watching all the drama we spot turtle heads breaking the surface when they come up to breathe. Yippeee they are around….. So we went off for a lengthy snorkel. The water was pretty murky – as there was a bit of a swell running and it was a bit gloomy – but we did manage to find some turtles, a stingray and some other usual suspects, who all tend to hang around by the old broken dock in the warmer thermoclines that are always present there. Good fun….

Snorkelling 1 Snorkelling 2 Snorkelling 3 Looking for turtles Snorkelling 4 Snorkelling 5 Snorkelling 7

Broken down dock

In the afternoon we headed around the corner to Little Jost van Dyke to a new beach bar that we had heard about – the B-Line Bar. Pulled dink up on the beach and chatted to Jerry, who we remembered from his days working at Ivans. Had a lovely time bobbing and having fun in the water – although we did get rained on a few times….

New beach bar Happy to be bobbing again New beach bar 2

We helped a family with their dinghy and got them underway at the point we spotted that Zanshin was anchoring. Then the family’s dinghy conked out and they were drifting – so Arndt did the international rescue for them that time! He then joined us in the bar and we had a nice time together until the sun went down. There were quite a few goats wandering around and I loved this little one who was using the wall as his back scratcher!

Zanshin arriving International rescue Another bar guest

Back on board and we had a quiet night enjoying the views out to sea between the islands.

View out to sea tonight

Tuesday morning and the plan was to sail back to Great Harbour and meet the gang from Latitude in the Soggy Dollar Bar. Unfortunately during the night I was taken ill…… and couldn’t face even moving the boat let alone going drinking. Felt rough all day so Richard kept himself busy doing various boat jobs and I stayed in bed….. So sorry to have missed them – they were good fun – and hope that we may bump into them again before we run south as they have some time left on board after their daughter flies out.

Wednesday morning and feeling a bit better… so decide to move on. Coming out into the channel I enjoyed the views of Sandy Cay, although pretty overcast and the sky is also heavy with Saharan dust at the minute.

Gloomy looking Sandy Cay

By the time we got ourselves organised and anchored in Great Harbour the time was getting on…. so we stayed onboard and just went ashore for sundowners at Corsairs. While chatting to JR – the chef – he was asking about some English food that he had heard off and was desperate to try, namely bangers and mash. How funny! And coincidentally I have quite a supply of English sausages on board….. so I agreed to bring them lunch on Thursday. We spent a few hours in Corsairs and met quite a lot of people – including a couple who were on their second trip to the BVIs since getting married there six months ago. This place is definitely addictive! After an enjoyable time we headed back on board for a quiet night.

Fun couple

Thursday morning and finally feeling completely recovered from whatever bug it was that I’d had….. Leisurely start to the morning and then I cooked up the lunch and headed ashore to Corsairs around 1pm. Plated up and we all ate perched in the bar. Vinny and JR really enjoyed it!   Bit random and like taking coals to Newcastle…. but was a fun thing to do!

Vinny and JR try bangers and mash

After lunch we got Bun to take us across the hill to the Soggy Dollar. We enjoyed lovely views of Great Harbour and White Bay doing this trip by road and the best bit is that I don’t get wet on the way!!!!

Great Harbour anchorage View down to White Bay

Arrived at the Soggy Dollar and enjoyed sitting in beach chairs, bobbing, chatting with other tourists and generally just chilling. Love this place. Again was pretty busy in the anchorage but not so much in the bar – so got some time to chat to Winsome, Shaneek and Mic again. We don’t even have to ask for drinks – they just appear when we walk up! This is such a great way to spend an afternoon.

Busy day! Everyone's bobbing Stormy day at Soggy Dollar

We were picked up by Bun’s friend in his safari bus for the trip back to Great Harbour – recovered dink from the dock and went over to see Ardnt who was now anchored behind us again…. and went on board to have a look at his new boat, a Jeanneau 54. All electric with mod cons like dishwashers, washing machines, air con, electric winches, electric toilets…. Amazing and absolutely huge – particularly as he is a solo sailor. Back on board our – tiny!!!! – boat and we chilled for a while before getting cleaned up and headed back out for dinner at Corsairs. Arndt and I felt virtuous by having salad and then ruined it by sharing a pizza…. Richard was much healthier by eating the fish with rice…. Overall, this was another great end to what had been a full-on, fun day.

Friday and we planned a quieter day. We headed ashore to go to the supermarket to pick up some more bits and pieces – saying hi to the gang in Corsairs along the way and end up agreeing to cook shepherd’s pie for them for Sunday lunch!!!! – and then wander along the road to Foxys , primarily for internet. We haven’t been here for a while – and nothing much has changed – although the front bar was open, and it was quite busy. We heard that Foxy was around but we didn’t actually see him this time…. The ceiling full of old t-shirts and sailing burgees is looking incredibly shabby and dirty…..and covers most of the area. Have to say, must be getting old, but can’t imagine sitting here eating under the cumulative dirt and dust from so many years of accumulation….. But plenty do and no-one dies so I’m sure it’s fine really – and not something that I’ve given even passing thought to in the past. Thankfully while online I found out that the $40 transaction was recorded correctly – so panic over!

Inside Foxys

Back on board around lunchtime and I baked some bread for lunch. Spent the rest of the afternoon making water and cleaning Morphie up down below. We had decided not to go ashore later – and had already invited Arndt over for sundowners at 5pm although he didn’t make it. Couldn’t raise him on the VHF either – although I could see he was on board. Oh well… never mind… we had a nice evening alone in the cockpit and had an early night.

This morning – Saturday – and I’m up early to get this blog done. Then we came ashore to find out that the power and internet problems are still going on….. so had a great breakfast at Corsairs while we await for it all to be restored.  Thankfully it all came back…..   Later on we are planning our final Soggy afternoon. We also plan to check out One Love, Gertrudes and Ivans too…… It is looking pretty benign out there this morning so looks like we can dink around the headland today.

Tomorrow Sunday, sadly, is going to be our last day in the BVIs – our parcel has arrived in St John, US Virgin Islands, and the weather window is looking good for Wednesday next week to make our passage south to Bonaire. But we’ll keep you posted.

Bye for now


Holiday mode in the BVI

Tuesday came and went….and we were so engrossed in boat jobs we didn’t actually make use of any facilities in Nanny Cay marina. Shame – the new pool looked great! We had a quiet night on board enjoying the beautiful colours of the sky as the sun went down.

Nanny Cay sunset

Wednesday morning and we were up early…. Did some final boat jobs and Richard treated me to breakfast out. Bit disappointing but at least I didn’t have to cook it! We then went to get some drinking vouchers but the ATM said NO. We think it was the machine rather than our card…. so we decide to try somewhere else rather than risk our card being eaten. We are now ready to leave and I request assistance to help us off the dock. The very wobbly pontoons here are very low down – I actually needed steps to get on and off Morphie – so we wanted someone just to hold our nose while we backed out into the wind. Well the guy turned up while I was on the dock….and started to untie us. Err….can I get on first please? I got on quickly and we managed to back out of the slip and then immediately turned to go alongside at the fuel dock. We used our new fuel filter funnel – which slows down the whole process – but at least we know that water and muck has been removed first!   Finally fuelled up and having paid our (huge!) bill, I asked the same guy if he could be ready to release our lines for us. Something was clearly lost in translation as he just untied us there and then – and we hadn’t even started the engine!!!!  When I shouted at him he grabbed the rail as we were drifting away…. thankfully the engine started immediately and we regained control quickly. It could have been an absolute disaster and we were shocked at the whole stupidity of it all!   Really think they should train their dock guys better!   Rant over…..

Leaving Nanny Cay we had a lovely brisk sail down the St Francis Drake channel to Norman Island. This is home to Pirates and the Willie T so we planned to stay here for two nights. We stooged around until we found a nice spot in 20 feet to anchor – without impeding any mooring balls – and got a good set first time. It is now mid afternoon so we got cleaned up and headed over to the Willie T as we could see there were quite a few people there…. And there were but most of them left as soon as we arrived! Was it something we said???

The William Thornton

Not too busy at the Willie T yet

Anyway, nice to catch up with the staff – and then more people arrived. We had a really fun few hours and spent some time with two couples who had come over on a little speedboat for a day trip. And of course there were some beverages consumed….and some people jumped off the top of the Willie T – but this was a family afternoon so there was no nudity or lewd behaviour! Oh yes…but there was some weird behaviour….with these two young women hula hooping all afternoon on the dinghy dock!!!

Happy couples on a day out

Willie T jumpers

Hula hoopers

Back on board for dinner and a quiet night….whilst enjoying the spectacular sunset.

Sunset at Norman Island

Thursday we did a few boat jobs – lazed around a bit – and then went ashore to Pirates. This was destroyed by fire last year and completely rebuilt so there is a new beach bar now (which wasn’t open) alongside the restaurant.

New beach bar at Pirates Rebuilt Pirates restaurant

We had planned an afternoon of bobbing but rain stopped play a few times….but didn’t stop the pelicans fishing and entertaining us. We also managed to order a crucial spare part that we need for our trip down to Bonaire – our SSB (long-range) radio has very poor reception and needs boosting, so this is something to help it out. That will arrive via US Priority Mail into St John, US Virgin Islands – so we will not start planning our passage south until that part has arrived and been installed successfully. Which means we’ll have a little more time in the BVIs but hey, someone has to do it!!!!

Rain stops play again.....

Pelican action

Down comes the rain again

As the beach was a bit of a washout we went back to Morphie, grabbed a bite to eat, and then decided to revisit the Willie T.  We weren’t planning to stay too long….. honest! … but got into conversation with an older British couple who spend most of their time doing boat deliveries.  When I asked them what trip stood out in their mind – and the answer was France to Hong Kong. They had also been through the Panama Canal 19 times. Wow!!! What an amazing couple. We also met up with a recently retired American couple who had just purchased a large gentleman’s cruiser – 75 feet – and were enjoying their first time in the Caribbean. Oh yes, and they had crew and a bigger engine on their tender than Morphie has!!! How the other half live eh???

Well….we had to stay longer than planned as the rain came down hard again….but it was fun to watch people trying to get into their dinghies after they had drunk too much rum. Although it was amusing I do wish people would be a bit more careful – this is not Disneyland – and people have died in this anchorage having fallen off boats……

We had to stay longer to wait out the rain


Moody sunset in the Bight

Friday morning we sailed out of Norman and listened to a Virgin Islands Search and Rescue Operation on Channel 16 for a missing diver off Peter Island – but didn’t hear the outcome so just hope it all turned out OK for everyone concerned.

We had a glorious downwind run towards Tortola passing the Indians to starboard. We decided to pull into Soper’s Hole as we needed some fresh produce as well as some drinking vouchers. Well – the fresh produce in the large supermarket was pretty good quality so that was a success. But the ATM had been removed and the wall bricked up! Damn…. But we are off to Jost Van Dyke next – and most places there take credit cards so we’ll just have to rely on those for the minute…. Not ideal but what can you do?

The Indians

Sopers Hole

We left Soper’s Hole and again had a fantastic beam reach across to Jost Van Dyke – although we had to duck a few boats as always.  By the time we had set our anchor in Great Harbour it was quite late so we decided to get ourselves – and Morphie – cleaned up and headed into Corsairs.

Great Harbour, Jost Van Dyke

Vinny and Lori knew that we were coming as we had been in email contact….but they could not believe that it was 18 months ago since we left!   Had a great time catching up – met the new chef JR and Kenny a new server – enjoyed some good food, shared some memories, and had a wonderful evening!

Back with Vinny and Lori Kenny - new server at Corsairs

Saturday and we are returning to the Soggy Dollar!   Yippeee……  We have a lazy morning, make some water, do laundry, have lunch, and then motor round the headland in dink. It is very busy and as beautiful as we remembered. All the islands and all the places we have visited just don’t come close to this place!

Busy day at the Soggy Dollar Beautiful Soggy Dollar beach

We work our way through the crowds towards the bar…. and Mic is making a whole pile of painkillers and is engrossed. So I say hi – he looks up and tells everyone they have to wait for their drinks as his UK family have come back to see him!  Hugs all round! What an amazing welcome…. We have a great afternoon catching up with the others too – Shaneek, Simone, Sana – to name just a few. And of course bobbing in that beautiful blue warm water…. Loved it!

Me with the Soggy Dollar gang

Back around the headland later in the afternoon and we realise that Zanshin has anchored behind us. So we go and say hi to him – and arrange to see him later in Corsairs. A Soggy afternoon made us a bit tired so we had a kip before heading in…. a bit later than planned. But Arndt was still there and had a beer with us. A chilled end to a great day.

This morning – Sunday – we had a leisurely start and Richard even cooked me breakfast!  A rare treat…. Late morning we motored over to Cane Garden Bay on Tortola – which is only a couple of miles but straight into the wind / waves. We have primarily come over to see the Elmtones – who are playing live tonight at the Elm – and to see if we can get some badly-needed drinking vouchers!   Arndt has also come over and is anchored in front of us – so a good night at the Elm beckons.  While I’m blogging Richard is cleaning some rust stains off the hull and washing down the rail. Really looking forward to tonight…. and the rest of our BVI holiday!

Bye for now
