Thursday 9 January we were up early, packed, had breakfast, paid our bill and drove to Terrigal on the Central Coast away from the beautiful Blue Mountains. It was still drizzly but not too bad. We deliberately drove via the mountain roads rather than via Sydney and I drove most of the way this time but felt nervous about close quarters and parking the beast so handed over the reins to Richard just before we arrived in Terrigal.

I enjoyed driving this vehicle but found the wing mirrors a bit too large as they impeded visibility at times….we arrived just after 2pm, just in time to check into our Air BnB apartment. We found the key box, located the secure car park entrance we needed to find our allocated space inside the multi-storey apartment block, parked up, located the correct lift block and headed to our apartment. This was lovely! Very modern, fresh and spacious with separate kitchen, bedroom, wet room, utility room, lounge, dining area and balcony (overlooking the Crowne Plaza hotel). Very nice too!

We emptied the car and then headed out again to the local supermarket for some shopping. We didn’t realise that our nearest Coles supermarket was actually at the huge Erina Fair shopping mall so we enjoyed the familiarity of returning to the place. Back to our apartment we decided not to go out for the evening so had a basic dinner of jacket potato with beans and cheese for tea. Wanted something simple…. We then spent the rest of the evening vegging out in front of the TV (which we had forgotten was pretty dire with lots of UK repeats / programme copies). Oh well, never mind…
Friday morning we headed over to Avoca Beach – our favourite in the area – but it was a bit drizzly so we checked out the Surf Club and enjoyed watching the surfers / life guards in action.

Afterwards we headed back to Erina Fair for more shopping – this time our mission was to pick up some desserts for the evening as we were going over to see Hayley and her family for a BBQ. We had never met her mum, dad or nan (Heather) so that was great to see them, along with our great nephews Jack and Adam too. Heather has been a supporter / follower of the blog for a long time so it was nice to see her in person, especially as she is now 93 years old! What a great lady….

Was a lovely evening and we enjoyed checking out all the renovations that had been done to the house since our last visit – the new kitchen, the pool, the new furniture in the lounge, newly redecorated walls etc. The changes were stunning and made such a difference to the house. Looking forward to staying there again at the end of our trip in March. Budd remembered his best friend Richard so got the zoomies a couple of times but otherwise he was pretty well behaved LOL. While we were there we picked up our shade tent which we had left in the garage on our departure in May 2022. So we were now equipped for the beach again…yay….we just needed some sunshine LOL. After leaving the BBQ we headed back to our apartment and had a final glass of wine in front of the TV. Well final for me, first few for Richard as he had been the designated driver.
Saturday morning – Happy Birthday to me! Had a leisurely start (after opening my cards – thanks to everyone that was organised enough to give them to me in advance) – eggs on toast for breakfast and then headed to the beach as the sun had finally come out! We were well equipped with shade, drinks and sun tan lotion and had fun. We both got a bit of sun but found it very intense. Our UK factor 30 suntan lotion really wasn’t up to the job so we need to get a stronger one next time we are out and about. After a few hours we headed to the surf club for some nibbles before returning to the apartment. We had a leisurely afternoon and did some laundry.

Later on we walked to our favourite Indian restaurant The Grand Palace and met Jamie there. We caught up and enjoyed sharing our birthdays together for the first time in many years (his was the previous week). Was really lovely. Afterwards we headed back to our apartment for a nightcap and so to bed. Had been a great day.

Sunday we were having a lay in when we could hear this alarm going off…..evacuate now….evacuate now…. We honestly thought it was the hotel across the road but when I went out onto the balcony and saw people on the street below (as well as fire engines) realised it was actually our building! We opened the apartment door, got the full force of the tannoy announcement, vacated and found the emergency stairs. Got downstairs onto the street – grateful to be only on the 2nd floor – and were given the all clear pretty quickly. Phew! That was an unexpected start to our day. Have to say the alarm was not a sound either of us had heard before which is why it didn’t register immediately…very strange noise….

In the afternoon we decided to go on a Terrigal pub crawl – wandered down the promenade admiring the beach (which was much narrower than from memory) and then went to the Caribbean rooftop bar, Mumbo Jumbos. Bit of a grubby place to be honest but they served cold beer and we could watch people below so it fitted the bill….

Leaving that behind we headed to the Beach House which is part of the Crowne Plaza. This was really busy and had a live band so we stayed a while. Was great….

Later on we returned to our apartment across the street and had dinner at home.
Monday morning we were out shopping again – picked up some factor 50+ suntan lotion – and went to Avoca beach again. This time we were getting constant warnings about bluebottles (jellyfish) in the sea from the lifeguards. We did set up the shade tent but also went for long walks as well in the sand watching out for the tiny jellyfish which resemble Portuguese man-of-war with their ‘sail’ and have very long and thin stinging tentacles, looking for all intents and purposes like a cotton thread – impossible to watch for in the surf although easier to spot on the beach. Not nice. Lots of kids were getting stung and there was no way I was heading into the surf without a wet suit LOL.

In the afternoon we headed back to the apartment having had enough sun – the sand was so hot it was impossible to walk on without shoes – and had a quiet afternoon doing more laundry, Richard also vacuumed the car and the apartment while I did the Blue Mountains blog.
Tuesday morning we got up early and headed over to pick up Adam and Jack. They are still on school holidays so we had offered them a day out of their choice. Well, they had chosen a two hour Splash and Slide Dolphin Watching cruise which departed from Nelson Bay at 12.30 pm. This was over a two hour drive from their home so we left at 9.30, having first deposited food in the fridge for dinner later, and took off. Richard was driving and it was challenging in places because of all the varying speed limits – we really don’t know what constitutes the difference between a 60 kph and a 80 kph road other than the changing sign to warn you. NSW is very sneaky with speed cameras located in unmarked parked vehicles alongside the road with little or no warning so Richard was trying to keep within the limit at all times although Jack (who is a budding petrol head and now learning to drive at 16 years of age) was now commenting too. Poor Richard – getting suggestions / comments from two of us – and Adam just went to sleep as he is a tired boy most of the time LOL. And that’s without the dangerous behaviours of some of the Australian drivers – no courtesy shown, don’t look before pulling out in front of you (resulting in one emergency stop to avoid a collision) and constant ‘undertaking’.
On arrival in Nelson Bay we were very lucky to find a long-stay (9 hour) free car parking space and went for ice cream. We then boarded the boat and were overtaken by a huge Arab family group pushing for space, Luckily we were able to get seated at the bow on this large motor catamaran so took our places and weren’t going to give them up for anyone LOL. We sat tight as we pulled away from the dock and headed into the bay…. It was pretty windy so didn’t really feel the sun so it was lovely.

Eventually dolphins were spotted in the shallower water and we watched them for a while. Everyone was pretty excited to see them but, of course, we were pretty blasé having watched dolphins play around our bow on Morphie on numerous occasions. So nice that we saw a them but shame that they were so far in the distance.

The crew then picked up a mooring ball and deployed the boom net and the slide. Jack decided not to go in the water declaring it too cold – I was never going to do it to be honest – Adam and Richard thought about it but the whole area was rammed, so they decided against. Oh well, never mind…

After a couple of hours cruising around we returned to the dock and got off. Jack was hungry by now – and we know that most places close their kitchens in the afternoon – decided it would have to be a fast food place so we could guarantee service. So we headed to the nearest KFC, placed our order and sat down. Jack wanted to eat in the car not inside the restaurant but we over-ruled him – as we didn’t want the smell nor the potential for mess inside our hire car. We then lived to regret that decision because the Arab family came in and the boys ran amok – including one lad who was so tubby he had an overhanging belly and moobs without a shirt on. This actually offended me when I’m trying to eat and I was seriously hoping the young manager would ask the family to ensure the lad was appropriately attired but, no, everyone seemed very nervous about this big group spending a fortune on a mountain of food…. Oh well…just confirmed Jack’s view that these places are not nice LOL (although he enjoys the food).
We packed up and headed back home with the boys who by now were flagging and snoozed all the way back. On arrival I took over the new kitchen and cooked us all a lasagne and made salad for dinner. We had a nice evening before heading back to Terrigal for pontoonies. And OMG did I get burnt to a crisp on this trip….everyone else was fine…just me! Clearly I need to learn how to apply suntan lotion LOL
Wednesday was sadly our last day in Terrigal and we had a few admin things to do – first was to renew our Medicare cards (required by our travel insurance policy) – this usually involves a difficult session at the local office but I found a get-around online – so tick, all done. Richard needed new flip flops (or thongs as they are called here) and had his eye on a nice pair at the Ripcurl store just down the road….so we headed down there and purchased them. So he now has a pair for ‘best’ LOL.
Later on we spent a few more hours on Avoca Beach before returning to the apartment. Having got ourselves cleaned up we then headed out to meet Jamie for a Thai dinner and to say our farewells for now. Lovely time together as always. We had to curtail it though as a big thunderstorm came through and we wanted to get back. On arrival back in Terrigal we stood on the balcony and watched this incessant lightning all around…pretty impressive to say the least….

So that wraps up our time in Terrigal – so bye for now and return soon for our next instalment of this Australian adventure.