After a good night’s sleep we got up early, had a hearty breakfast, so now we’re ready for the Mall…. The hotel has a shuttle bus but we were so busy chatting in the lobby we missed the announcement!
Oh well, better get a cab then. Which was our original plan anyway. Arrived and were surprised by the ‘disneyfied’ main entrance – not sure what we were expecting, but that wasn’t it. After much wandering we found what we were looking for – including another trolley bag as we were going to have to check another (making six in total!)…
Back to the hotel for a leisurely afternoon and evening – glad we remembered about the US portion size and shared one dinner between two. Another good night’s sleep and the stress levels have reduced to normal. This time we thought we’d have a look at the mall attached to the hotel – and found it was aimed at the Latin American market. Everything was bling bling and some of the women’s clothing was verging on bondage attire – we did take photos but our camera seems to have it’s own censorship so we’ll have to leave this to your imagination (sorry guys)!
So now to the next stage of our trip – onto St Thomas. At Miami fantastic service from a sky cap who dealt with our luggage and I was optimistic that this time it would all go smoothly. Well it did for a while – then we were put in the wrong line (again…) and the business lounge experience was woeful – think dentist waiting room with vouchers for two drinks each and you’ll get the picture. We decamped to the nearest bar and got chatting to some really nice people from Trinidad, who gave us their business cards and told us to look them up when we get there. Hopefully not in an official capacity as one of them was an orthopaedic surgeon!
Time to board – business class this time as there is no first class on these flights – so we turned left again. Oh dear…plastic glasses with champagne…and the normal AA chicken or pasta meal offering, although at least we got china plates and metal cutlery.
Arrived safely in St Thomas and got to American Yacht Harbor around midnight. Fun and games getting all the luggage down the pontoon and there was Morpheus of London proudly waiting for us. Been sorting out boat stuff since we arrived, but here are some photos of our surroundings for you to enjoy:
Got to commission some systems on the boat for the next couple of days which is a bit mundane so we will be off line for a little while.
Bye for now