Wednesday we picked up our anchor off of Grand Anse beach and headed round to Le Phare Bleau marina, on the south coast of Grenada, where we are booked in. We had a really uncomfortable trip with 20 knot winds on the nose and five foot seas….and couldn’t sail it either! We barely made three knots under engine and were pleased to get in the area of the bay where the marina is situated – bad news was that the sea state meant we couldn’t tell where the reefs where even though it was at noon with the sun high in the sky! Never mind – we picked our way in gingerly and found the markers on this dog legged entry – and were assisted into our alongside slip by the dockmaster and his assistant. Great line handlers – good slip – and we were very happy to find ourselves with fast internet on board! Once we were set we started work with gusto and the first job was to remove dink from the davits and get cleaning – as well as removing the outboard onto the rail. We then treated ourselves to cheap beer at happy hour – very happy at about a £1 a bottle! We came back on board to have dinner and an early night….. Productive day but very tiring and also a bit emotionally charged – the start of the hard work marks the final days of our first cruising season. Can’t quite believe we have been out almost nine months…..
Thursday we started dismantling stuff and sorting out jobs we need to do…. There is so much – but the main tasks today were polishing and protecting dink’s hyperlon tubes; to fresh water flush the outboard motor; take some canvass off, clean and re-waterproof it as well as starting to clean the external stainless steel. Oh yes we took the main and staysail off too – flaking and bagging them on the dock. We left the genoa to be done when we get to the boatyard just in case of an engine failure on the way…… The unforeseen downside to removing the main at this stage was that the furler foil inside the mast bangs around without a sail….and drove us crazy. Luckily it couldn’t be heard far from the boat – we did walk the docks to check! – so we just had to put up with it…. Happy Hour in the bar – cheap beer again – and we loved the fact that Captain Jack Sparrow visited for Happy Argggghhhhh in his sunken ship!!!!
Friday – more stainless to be done; we also thoroughly cleaned and waxed the topsides; removed more canvass / washed it / rewaterproofed it; and lifted dink up onto the coachroof where he will live whilst on the hard. Also “pickled” the watermaker for storage…. And done some other stuff too…. Wow this is hard physical work – and we were hoping to link up with a local chap to help us with the heavy stuff – but although we left messages he didn’t turn up… Oh well… This evening Happy Hour was on the Vastra Banken – the historic lightship that is a formal restaurant (in high season) and has a cruisers lounge and houses the marina’s toilet and shower block… Amazing place…. Enjoyed a lovely sunset tonight….
Saturday – more of the same… and took ourselves off to the beautiful pool for a few hours into happy hour…. Back on board for an early night. We are sleeping really well with all this physical activity!
Sunday and it was time to start on the interior – we were lucky enough to be invited to Hog Island by Larry off of Slipstream V but sadly declined. But we’ll definitely take him up on his offer next week when all work will be finished!!!! Quiet exhausted night on board and early to bed.
Monday and it was time to go round to Grenada Marine for haul out. Amazing kindness from the owners of Le Phare Bleu who gave us access to our booked apartment very early in the morning so we were able to move all our clothes and remaining food stocks in before we left….. Did a very tight turn onto the fuel dock – very successful, well done Richard!!!! – and then we were on our way. Was another rough trip (and our last this season…. boo hoo…..) with rain at times – but it was only a few miles away…. Worked our way into the bay and picked up a mooring ball…. Took a final crew photo while we waited around to be called to the lift dock….
At this point they told us we have to go stern too – no-one told us that! Not happy – the wind was blowing hard and we had frequent rain squalls coming through. Anyway…..we made it into the slip…. but unfortunately the wind caught us out and Morphie’s bow was swept towards to the concrete dock…and even with Richard’s impressive speed of reactions….we touched the dock on her rail….. Only cosmetic damage sustained on the wood but both of us were really upset….. Nine months out and we manage to scratch the boat on our last manoeuvre??!!?? Damn…….. Anyway – we had to put it behind us quickly – because suddenly Morphie is being lined up with strops and lifted out of the water; jet washed, and then motored around to her final spot. Stressful and worrying times!
We had paid for a hurricane cradle and they lowered her into it. Few more legs to be completed and some props in place as a temporary measure….. Not happy but it will be done before we leave!!! We think it is just a matter of keeping on their case!!!! We got tied down anyway so very secure….. Also went to visit Glen and Pam’s boat Blue Pearl – took some photos for them – and gave her a pat.
Back to Le Phare Bleu by taxi and enjoyed the open-air veranda, air-conditioned bedroom with huge bed, unlimited water in the showers and the kitchen – complete with huge American style fridge – to cool our remaining libations!
Tuesday we picked up our hire car for the week – a Rav4 – and took off for the boatyard. Up the ladder onto Morphie and removed the genoa…. All three sails were then delivered to the loft for cleaning and storage whilst we are away. Oh wow…. the list keeps growing…. and so damn hot down below with all hatches closed because of rain today….. Richard thinks it could be a good weight loss plan – and we could both do with losing some!
Wednesday more of the same planned…. Phew… Watch this space!
Bye for now