Relaxing before Carnival….

Tuesday we did some more boat jobs and another visit to Budget Marine.  It’s a good job that we get all goods 30% off (duty free) as we still need more – although they are spare parts mainly so will only have to be replaced when we actually use them… Seriously we do need this stuff but it is amazing how much we come away with every time that we didn’t know we couldn’t live without!!   Whilst out and about we bumped into John from Shamal – and they are moving the boat to Prickly Bay in the afternoon – so we arranged to meet for sundowners later.

We headed back on board, having stored all our purchases, and decided to head out on dink to explore.    Really enjoyed looking at the really pretty waterfront and we pulled dink up the beach at the Calabash – oh dear, left it too late, the hotel has closed now for the season.   Grrrr….  Never mind, the dive shop sells beer so we had a couple and enjoyed our surroundings.   The anchorage is stunning today – really calm and clear water.

Went ashore for happy hour with John and Georgina – really nice to catch up with them again.   They are heading down to Trinidad to haul out in a week or so, so really good timing!    Had a good evening – listened to the start of the trivia quiz and were pleased we weren’t playing for real as the questions were really hard!   Back on board for dinner and to bed….

Wednesday morning up bright and early and caught the sunrise…. Spectacular!

Got ourselves ready to go back out to sea as we are moving back up to anchor near St Georges and Grand Anse beach in readiness for Carnival…    Felt bad though because Chris and Linda on Troubodour were heading south today – we keep passing like ships in the night!!   Never mind, will catch up with them at the jam on Sunday.  Met Jim and Sharon from Sha Sha for a bobbing session and enjoyed watching a really special sunset.   Early to bed.

Thursday we were really looking forward to going to the dinghy concert at the  Carenage – one of the first Carnival events.    Unfortunately the concert was cancelled because someone failed to get the permission of the Port Authority.   Bad mistake!!!! In the meantime the anchorage is filling up – with some way too close for comfort – and we end up surrounded by South Africans flying the British Ensign…   How does that work??   Disappointed by the cancellation we arranged to meet Jim and Sharon in the marina pool….and we had a fresh water bob….between rain showers.   On the dinghy ride through we saw Necker Belle, Richard Branson’s huge catamaran, tied up to one of the superyacht docks – but apparently he wasn’t on board…

We went back to Morphie to check all OK and we were pleased that one boat had moved.   And we had done a 180 degree turn but appeared to be holding.   Wind really really flukey and gusty in the rain squalls….but we have loads of chain out, so we are not moving anywhere!

Back to Sha Sha for dinner and had a lovely chicken meal followed by Red Velvet cake.   Thanks both – fun hosts and Jim is a great cook!

This morning – Friday – more boat jobs and shopping later.   As it is carnival weekend all shops will be closed from lunchtime Saturday through to Wednesday, so we must get some fresh stuff in.    Time is running out real fast now – we haul out on 19 August and fly out on the 26th.    So before we get heavily into winterising the boat we are determined to have a party time at Carnival – really looking forward to it!!!

Bye for now
