OK so we did go to happy hour on Wednesday at Prickly Bay marina and were absolutely gobsmacked by the huge amount of locals there – they ship them in by the bus load. Really? Oh yes, very serious stuff…. The bingo winnings are more than a day’s pay for many of them….and we got into conversation with the net controller Mark so ended up watching the first couple of games. Bet the prize of a pig and a chicken – alive and walked on stage – were never on offer at Corals!! Really funny….
We also got into conversation with an English guy who was sitting on his own and it turns out that he used to own The Dog House at Swanick Marina where a boat that we sailed on used to be berthed! He has been in Prickly Bay, living onboard, for five and a half years now. He then began to tell us all his woes because he has been hospitalised down here a couple of times and got a hernia through lifting 5 gallon water jugs. He then turned to Richard and said “you should be careful as you are getting on a bit!!!” As you can imagine this coming from an old duffer in his seventies went down pretty well …..!!!! Anyway, making our exit we went back on board and had a very tasty curry if I say so myself…….
Thursday was a quiet day and night on board just working through boat jobs. Friday we worked hard all day and came ashore for a pizza dinner…. We went for the pizza as this is the only dinner they can’t screw up!! We have dined here twice before and were disappointed on both occasions. We were surprised to see a bunch of cruisers from Port Louis over here – they had come over for a birthday, so nice to catch up with them again.
Saturday dawned and we decided that weekends are for fun not jobs! We got off the boat and taxied over to La Phare Bleu where a dinghy concert was scheduled. Walking up the dock I was impressed by an individual floating cabana with a hammock – definitely fancy giving that a go when we are guests here later in the month…
At the dinghy concert they have a big tug boat hitched up to a barge and dinghies from far and wide join up into a raft to enjoy the music – today by the Wizards. Some cruisers bring their own drinks and food, whilst those of us on the barge buy from the bar….and some get bottles relayed across the top of the crowd to their dinghy…. Fantastic time had by all
After a great afternoon we watched the sun go down over the marina – nice!
We headed back to shore and our taxi driver was already waiting – took us back to Da Big Fish, where dink was waiting. Decided to have dinner at the restaurant and were delighted that they had a live band too, Gylfi and Domo. So really enjoyed listening to them while we had a really good meal.
Sunday morning we decided to head to Rogers beach bar on Hog Island…. So got a cab round to the rum shack in Lower Woburn. We had spent a very pleasant afternoon here many moons ago – but sadly it was no longer as welcoming…. Anyway, got a local boat boy to take us out through the anchorage to the bar. Very very busy on a slim beach – not quite the Soggy Dollar – but we still had a good time. Particularly enjoyed the local food on offer…..
Time to head back and our boy, Lions Paw, was resting in a hammock – after knocking back a few and a couple of spliffs! He was pretty funny and could well have been a model for Captain Jack Sparrow with all the same mannerisms…..
Back on board for a quiet night. This morning, Monday, is Emancipation Day here in Grenada – celebrating the end of slavery by the UK – so a public holiday. We are relaxing, blogging, and doing Internet stuff today. Richard is investigating all the tasks we have to do for winterising Morphie.
Bye for now