This is more like it!

Had a nice afternoon in Oceans 7 yesterday with other sailors escaping from the weather…. The wind howled all night again and the rain came down in stair rods…. This morning no change – the forecast remains poor- so, you know what, we’re staying put!

Finally….there was some improvement…and we had a lovely rainbow before the heavens opened again. We did some boat jobs: ran the watermaker for a couple of hours and it works great, cleaned the waterline of weed and some other general domestic duties. At last, the sun starts to break through, so we got ourselves ready and headed off to the Peter Island Resort. This is for the rich and famous but apparently they let yachties in to selected areas.

Went for a 10 minute hike and finally found the resort marina, the wedding cabana (which may be where Rio Ferdinand got married), and came across our first proper Christmas tree in the resort reception. Headed off to the beach and found the bar and had to stop for the obligatory local beer, Carib, only this time it was served in chilled glasses! Had a lovely relaxing afternoon.

Heading back to the dinghy we meet Conrad who is a resident between Sprat Bay and Great Harbour and we had a little chat with him and he told us the story of how he came to live here. He is almost blind and now makes a living from selling shells and postcards featuring himself to tourists who walk this trail. Of course we purchased a postcard and he did a great buy one get one free offer! He is a very sweet man.

Back on board now for a quiet evening. 

Bye for now
