Monday 24 February we said sad farewells and left Lester and Helen’s property on Hindmarsh Island to drive five hours towards Beachport where we had booked to stay in an apartment at the Harbourmaster’s cottage on the promenade.

Here I am ready to drive Richard away….

We took the scenic route rather than the motorway so we ended up on a quick (free) trip on a cable ferry at Wellington. We were lucky to get onto one pretty quickly as the guy loading was picking carefully from the queue waiting for access…the fact that we were just a car with no caravan attached helped a lot I think LOL.

En route we stopped at Kingston to check out the Big Lobster before continuing onto Robe for a comfort break and a quick look around.

Afterwards we carried on until we reached the property in Beachport. We parked in our allocated spot and got ourselves checked in – very nice indeed! Beautifully furnished with fantastic views too…. Sadly was a bit too windy / chilly to take advantage of the outside deck. Some hardy Australians were walking the prom despite the chill factor but it wouldn’t have suited us to be quite so ‘on display’ LOL.

Anyway we checked out all the cooking facilities and then headed to the local general store for some provisions. We unloaded the car and took ourselves off for a scenic drive including our first lighthouse of this element of our trip (Cape Martin). This lighthouse is quite modern compared to many we have visited on our travels through Australia.

Afterwards we retired to our apartment, had dinner, and an evening in front of the TV before bed.
Tuesday morning we were up early as we had to be out by 10 am. We did a few bits of laundry in the washer / drier, cleaned up after ourselves, had a quick breakfast and checked out. Sadly the drying element of the washer was not up to scratch so we ended up moving on with a bag of damp clothing….oh well, never mind….
Our next stop was Mount Gambier where we visited the blue lake which was spectacular! Thought it quite amusing we were only 17kms from Southend at this point LOL.

We also checked out the town / art centre and stopped off for some lunch in a cafe.

Then we continued our scenic drive along the coast to Nelson and visited another lighthouse station at Cape Nelson. Some of the old light keeper’s cottages at many of the light stations are available to rent although obviously they are a bit isolated and you might have snakes as neighbours….

Finally we arrived at Port Fairy where we had booked a historic cottage which was disappointingly finished poorly and, although the bed was lovely (as were the linens) the rest of the place needed a thorough deep clean. I had personally been swayed by the fabulous five star reviews but of course what the reviews don’t tell you is that this property has five cottages in total. The reviews must clearly relate to the newly refurbished ones. And, to my disappointment, they did not even publish my review – although I was polite in my criticism. Shows that this element cannot be trusted on Air BnB as the owners can manipulate what goes public. Rant over…..
Back to the property – cooking facilities were not good – I personally don’t class a rusty standalone electric two hob plate as completely sufficient – although there was a microwave, kettle and toaster – but no oven. I wasn’t going to rustle something up with the two hobs (and the very limited pans available) so decided that, although the place was not in town as anticipated, we would head out for dinner. But first some exploring was needed…we went to see the sea entrance to the Moyne River and the sea was absolutely raging. Afterwards we went to check out the boats on the wharf too…. Then found a local pub which was recommended for its food offerings – and had a spectacular meal! Afterwards we went to the Passage Cliffs to check out the sunset before returning to our cottage, by which time we were absolutely freezing….

Wednesday morning we were up and out early – definitely had no inclination to stay longer – and this time we were heading to Warrnambool as we wanted to see the Maritime Village on Flagstaff Hill.
In the 1850s the original Flagstaff was erected which served as a navigational aid and signal point between ship and shore. It was a vital communication tool relaying important messages to vessels and alerting the townsfolk of shipping activities in the port.
The southwest coast of Victoria was often the first port of call for ships en route to Melbourne and the east coast of Australia from England. Imagine the excitement of passengers and crew at sighting land after 20,000 kms and three harrowing months at sea. Also the devastation of being shipwrecked along the 120 kms of coast from Apollo Bay to Portland – now aptly named the Shipwreck Coast.
We arrived, got parked up, got a concession price on entry (for OAPs) and thoroughly enjoyed a walking tour with one of the volunteers (who was dressed in a period costume). The shipwreck artefacts were stunning along with the stories of those who had survived, and those who had perished, on the ancient wooden schooners which had plied their trade along the coast from England. There are 26 recorded shipwrecks and strandings from 1842 to 1905. In the museum there are relics, cargos and anchors from some of Victoria ‘s most infamous wrecks including the Loch Ard, Schomberg, Newfield, Childre, Antares, La Bella and Falls of Helladale. Obviously wind powered only and this is a treacherous piece of coast – with onshore winds and currents combined with incredible unpredictability.

Was very interesting to hear about how the early settlers lived in this area and to enjoy some of the recreated / restored buildings…. The church was cute and the llamas were an interesting addition to the volunteer crew. And there were two lighthouses, Richard’s favourite LOL.

I particularly enjoyed the scones with cream / jam in the cafe and the sweet shop had some interesting concoctions – my favourite was their chocolate bullets (think hard black liquorice covered in thick milk chocolate). Yummmm…..

We had a lot of time to explore as our next stop was a short distance away – total driving time from A to B today was only 1 hour 30 minutes.
But as we were now officially joining the Great Ocean Road at every brown sign (tourist signs) along the road we turned to see what we could see / find – so visited the Bay of Islands, London Bridge and the Bay of Martyrs….which are inlets along the road. Many of them required us to go off road again too which is fun particularly when it’s only for a short period.

Leaving some of the spectacular scenery behind we continued to Port Campbell where we had a hotel room booked. Unusually for us we were staying in a hotel rather than an apartment and the room was huge. The staff were very friendly and, after checking in, we walked the pier, enjoyed some of the tiny town, checked out the surprisingly nice beach, and then had drinks in the bar before going back to our room for a while. Later on we ate dinner in the hotel restaurant which was great!

Thursday morning we had a wonderful hotel breakfast and then took ourselves off to the nearby heliport where we were going to be enjoying a 30 minute helicopter trip over the Great Ocean Road and the 12 Apostles. We were very excited and did wonder how many people we would have to share our helicopter with….they take up to eight people and need a minimum of three to fly the trip. Anyway, we arrived, had our safety briefing, got kitted up and were then told our helicopter was on its way to pick us up and we climbed into Budgie LOL.

It was only a four seater (including the pilot) and Richard nabbed the front co-pilot seat while I settled into the back. Not too happily I had to relinquish my small rucksack and leave it in the car…so it meant that the car now had all our valuables locked within…why couldn’t my bag take up the free seat?!? Anyway….we took off…and OMG what a view. We do have video footage of the trip which I’ll share another time – can’t right now as have no computer to plug it into – as we only travelled with the iPad / keyboard this trip to minimise hand luggage. But a unique USB reminder that’s for sure.

What a fantastic experience and highly recommended for anyone thinking of coming this way!
After the helicopter excursion we drove back along the Great Ocean Road and visited all the sights we had seen from the air by road – again following brown tourist signs.

We then drove on to Cape Otway but our sat nav lost its signal and started taking us through single rainforest dirt track roads into the clouds. We spotted some logging going on and prayed we would not meet a logging lorry coming the other way LOL. Nowhere to run and Richard didn’t fancy reversing along these roads under pressure. Pretty though in the forest…
We realised what had happened but there wasn’t an obvious way to sort it out – so pushed on until the signal returned – and then re-routed back to the Great Ocean Road. Amazing rural scenery as well as the ocean but, OMG, so very remote and hard to consider living somewhere that is at such significant risk from bush fires….

We did eventually reach the Cape Otway lighthouse which is regarded as the most significant lighthouse in Australia as this would be the first lighthouse that ships would have seen coming from England.

We then continued onto Lorne – by now we are on the best part of the coast road driving around hairpin bends alongside the cliffs…but, Sod’s Law, it is raining so the views are not visible. Pushing on we arrived in Lorne and eventually found our apartment in this particularly drab old-fashioned building…never mind…. We found reception, got the information about the underground car park, checked in and had a look around. The apartment was nice with great views out to sea…and was within walking distance of bars / restaurants etc. Having checked out the cooking facilities we went shopping, returned and unloaded, then walked down to the beach and enjoyed watching the cockatoos digging into the dirt. The beach was busy with lots of people swimming and enjoying themselves – this place had a different vibe, much more of a ‘seaside’ town. We returned to the apartment, did a bit of unpacking, then went out to the Lorne Hotel across the way for drinks on their rooftop bar overlooking the ocean and plagued by cockatoos LOL.

Back to the apartment for dinner and, naughty, naughty, we encouraged the cockatoos to visit our balcony and fed them with some cheese crackers. Love watching these pretty birds despite the earsplitting noise they make. And that was it for the day.

Friday morning we packed up and left. We drove down the road to the Swing Bridge Cafe for breakfast which had been recommended. It reminded us a bit of a Caribbean beach bar and didn’t hold much hope for a good feed – but it was tremendous, fast delivery and very fresh.

After breakfast we headed to Split Rock Lighthouse and had a cup of tea in their cafe before continuing our drive towards Torquay via Anglesea. Notice all the English place names…we had even driven through Southend the other day!

We arrived in Torquay and parked up outside and went in. The hotel room was not ready yet and they would call us when it was….so we asked for the car park instructions in the meantime. We got the car parked up and found a lift to take us back to the main reception. This place is huge and we needed a map to get around LOL. We decided to have some refreshments and settled down by the pool while we waited.

A couple of hours later – and at the allocated check in time – we returned to reception to get an update. We finally got access to our room which was huge although not easy to find! We unloaded the car and then went for a walk along the promenade towards the main strip of bars and restaurants as, surprisingly for a five star Wyndham property, the hotel didn’t have a proper restaurant just a cafe doing basic fare. En route we popped into the Bowls club (or the Bowlo as the locals call it) always a good place to get a reasonably priced meal – and it was absolutely rammed…. So we continued walking until we found a restaurant that could accommodate us. Which was called Bombaras. The food was good and the ambience nice too so glad we found it – despite the 35 minute walk to get here. After dinner we called back into the Bowling club as there was a live band playing. They were called The Truants and Richard reckoned they were called that because they had missed music lessons at school LOL. They were absolutely dreadful…. So we headed back to our hotel where we found we had frozen a bottle of wine in the fridge and so to bed…

So that completes this part of our Great Ocean Road adventure. Come back soon for the next instalment which visits Melbourne. Bye for now Jan