Friends reunited part 2 – Anegada to Jost van Dyke

Wednesday morning and we had breakfast before heading out in our good looking rental 4×4 to explore the island.

Our 4x4

It isn’t going to take that long as it is only 9 x 2 miles at its widest point – but we’ve never done this before so looking forward to it.   So we head off with the warning about quick sand in the marshes being the only restriction – oh yes, and no real map. There wasn’t any other traffic – just a few cows and goats wandering. Oh yes, and Carolyn and Ron fancied this prime bit of real estate for a holiday home – bit of a renovation project or what!   Richard was driving and we all enjoyed the concrete roads for a while before we then went onto the sand…. We found a viewpoint of the interior salt ponds – fantastic panorama – but unfortunately the flamingos were out for lunch and we didn’t see one!

Prime real estate Cows roam

Panorama of interior Anegada

We arrived at Loblolly Bay – stunning place and a personal favourite of ours. We had a beer with the owner of the Flash of Beauty and reminisced about playing with the little ones many years ago – felt old when she told us that the boy in question was now a trainee fireman!!!

Enjoying Loblolly beachBeautiful

Moving on we took diversions up and down sand roads and at one point we went up a steep incline between loads of bushes and, of course, if it doesn’t look like a road it probably isn’t!   So Richard had to reverse back down through the winding shrubbery and we were horrified by the noises of the bushes scraping down the side of the SUV….   Once we were back safely on a real road – lesson learnt – we inspected the damage and were pleased to see nothing to write home about – with most scratches coming off with the application of a few wet wipes!   Phew…..

That looks like a road!

We continued driving – stopping briefly at The Big Bamboo – before we ended up at the Anegada Beach Hotel.     This has the only pool on the island – well, actually, it’s more like a plunge pool – and has some spectacular accommodation. Now that is what I call Glamping – although you need deep pockets at $300 a night!   We stayed here for a while and had a nice lunch before moving on again…..with Carolyn tasting the conch fritters…. Leverick Bay is still in the lead in this competition!

Beach at Anegada Beach Hotel Only pool on Anegada Glamping Anegada style

Nice style bar

Back to Cow Wreck for a quick one – where I did the usual barmaid routine at the honesty bar – and then returning, finally, to Neptunes where we admired the views over the flat calm anchorage. Going our separate ways for a while we reconvened having freshened up and enjoyed the beautiful sunset together. Helping myself at Cow Wreck Anchorage view 2

Anchorage view....

Amazing sunset

We then all walked along the beach to the Wonky Dog – a new restaurant – and had a great meal, although we were the only ones in there!   The lady serving the restaurant and bar was the owner of the business and her husband was the chef.   She was lovely and friendly and then he came out to see us. Well, a big surprise!   He was a huge tattooed Scotsman from Govan, Glasgow.   We enjoyed good food…. and hope this couple manage to make this new venture work for them.

Dinner at the Wonky Dog

Back to Neptunes for a pontoonie and we chatted with Mark – one of the owners of the business – and he told us about the significant number of sharks that they were now finding in the anchorage. We knew about the two sizeable tiger sharks they had killed previously – but he said now there were bulls and hammerheads too…..   They are coming in hunting an increased turtle and stingray population. The recent ban on killing sharks had been strictly enforced when Mark had been caught on camera – which had gone viral – killing a very large hammerhead that was patrolling the edges of the waterline where the kids were playing. He had been questioned by the authorities as a result although there is a clause in the new law which says that you are allowed to kill if there is a threat to human life….   Interesting stuff – if you are reading this, and planning to visit soon, I wouldn’t recommend that dip off the back of the boat in the anchorage!  Morphie seems to be having fun anyway….

Morphie enjoying herself

Thursday morning and we survived the slightly shambolic breakfast service and enjoyed the views while chilling…..

View from breakfast

Later on we headed out to Cow Wreck beach. We had a great time bobbing in the water, chilling, eating lunch, and generally just having fun.   Carolyn and Ron particularly enjoyed walking the beach and watching the pelicans fishing…..   A truly magical place – and photos really do not do it justice….

View from lunch

Ron enjoying Cow Wreck Lunch at Cow Wreck Bobbing! Gone fishing!

Beautiful 2

Back to Neptunes in the afternoon and we headed off in separate directions before Richard ran ashore later to pick them up – tonight the plan was cheese and wine in the cockpit whilst enjoying our last spectacular Anegada sunset.   Was a great evening….

Amazing sunset 2

Sundowners 1 Sundowners 2 Sundowners 3

Amazing sunset 3 Friday morning up early to see the sun rise and a double rainbow.

Sunrise over the anchorage Somehwere over the double rainbow

Sadly it is time to say goodbye to Neptunes and Anegada.

Goodbye to Neptunes Treasure

All week the weather forecast had predicted wind of 10 knots on Friday – but, alas there was nothing! Oh well, never mind. Carolyn and Ron were picked up, luggage stowed, and then we picked up our anchor and worked our way through the mooring field.   As we came to the green marker buoy where you turn at 90 degrees into the channel a large bareboat catamaran came inside us and cut us up – er, hello, you are the overtaking boat, keep clear!   Anyway…. he didn’t…. so was treated to Richard shouting some working class language at him as he drove away at speed.

Leaving the channel behind we motored towards Great Harbour, Jost van Dyke.   No wind although the seas were not as flat as the passage up to Anegada….   Sadly no whales today either…. But we enjoyed the sight of Green Cay and Sandy Cay on the way.

Sandy Cay

Arriving into Great Harbour we anchored briefly in close so that Carolyn and Ron could be dropped off to check into their room at Ali Babas.   Richard and I then went further out and dropped almost 200 feet of chain in 40 feet of water….   Once we were happy we quickly freshened up and headed into shore and met Carolyn and Ron for a cold one at Ali Babas and some lunch – Carolyn still continuing with her conch competition. We decided to eat at Corsairs, so made reservations, and went our separate ways again for a little while – particularly important for our friends to get out of the heat into the air conditioning! Jealous – me? – OK perhaps a tad!!!!

Later on we met in the bar at Corsairs and caught up with the staff – sadly Vinnie was ill…   We had an excellent dinner and then wandered down to Foxys to join the party. Was a pretty busy night with a DJ playing and Carolyn and Ron actually met Foxy himself which was a bit of a treat.   Was a great end to a hectic and tiring day so we called it a night.

Dinner at Corsairs Meeting Foxy

Saturday morning and we met at Ali Babs for breakfast.   Enjoyed chilling for a while admiring the view of the anchorage before wandered down to visit Foxys gift shop.

View out to Great Harbour

Foxy himself was sitting outside entertaining the tourists with little singing ditties….. So that was fun – and Carolyn and Ron enjoyed looking at the photos when he came to Buckingham Palace to pick up his gong!   Purchases made and time to head to the beach. We wandered back to Corsairs – met Vinny briefly – and then got Bun to take us in his taxi to White Bay.   Amazing views down to Great Harbour and White Bay from the top of the hill….

View down to Great Harbour View down to White Bay

We arrived at the Soggy Dollar Bar to be greeted by Mic with the lovely comment ‘welcome back to my UK family’. Nice. Was a busy day in paradise so we bobbed for a while…. Did more shopping in the gift shop…. Bobbed again…. Watched the pelicans fishing…. Admired the huge black yacht – and were told that Sir Paul McCartney was on board and that this was his smaller yacht!   Hmmmmm…… Definitely can’t confirm this rumour…. We then had lunch – with Carolyn declaring that the winner of the conch competition was, to date, the Soggy Dollar who had retained their crown from 2009. Here is a photo to prove it!

Soggy Dollar Bar Mic White Bay 2 Are you there Paul

And the winner is.....

White Bay 1

We then wandered down to the beach to One Love to find Reuben entertaining the tourists…. Enjoyed listening to him and Richard started on the Bushwackers…..   Enjoyed chatting to others – but Carolyn and Ron were shocked when Seddy came in.   A shambling dirty skinny wreck – and a huge contrast to the smiling rasta magician of yesteryear….   The whole place actually looks pretty seedy and shoddy now too…

Reuben playing at One Love

Back to the Soggy Dollar to be picked up by Bun and we enjoyed the trip back to Great Harbour.   We popped into Corsairs to make dinner reservations and I managed to trick Carolyn with Vinny’s box of ‘stickers’. She really jumped when the rubber mouse came out – was funny. Obviously this photo is posed for effect LOL…..

Back on Buns taxi Playing a trick

We separated to clean up…. and then met again in Corsairs. We had another wonderful dinner and Ron got to meet Vinny briefly.  After dinner we returned to sit at the bar – chatted to Kenroy – and JR the chef.   Followed of course by shots!   And so to bed.

Richard and JR Kenroy Dinner at Corsairs2 Time for shots

This morning – we are meeting for breakfast – and then another Soggy Day beckons.   We’re having a fantastic holiday with friends with more adventures to follow.

Bye for now
