Friends reunited part 1 – Virgin Gorda to Anegada

Saturday morning we got up bright and early for some last minute things … then up to the carpark to pick up our taxi.    We were watching all these nice air-conditioned minibuses driving through and, of course, when ours turns up it is an old safari bus type vehicle.   Oh well….   As we are just about to leave we get a text from Carolyn to say that the ferry has left on time! Wonders will never cease LOL.   We arrive in good time in Spanish Town and had a Carib from the local vendor while waiting – and then the ferry is seen off to the distance and we walk inside the fence.   And they’ve arrived – yay – hugs and kisses all round.

They have arrived!

We get a cold restorative Carib for the journey and climb into the safari bus. Although not built for comfort what it does offer is the chance to catch sight of some spectacular views over North Sound.   We haven’t gone across Virgin Gorda by road for a number of years and so it was great to admire the beautiful vista – although, of course, it is a bit difficult to get decent photos when the driver shares Richard’s racing driver tendencies LOL.

Spanish Town view 2 Spanish Town view

North Sound 1

Arriving at Leverick, Carolyn and Ron check in to their hotel room and the receptionist gives us a lift up the hill in a pickup truck – so Richard and I climb in the back for the quick journey!

Sitting in with the luggage

To the room – and we gave them all the bug stuff we had got for them – and we got pressies too!   A selfie stick for the camera, a nice bottle of brandy and beef hula hoops – lovely. Thank you.

View from their room

Richard and I then left them to it and went back to Morphie – we picked up towels etc – and headed to the small resort beach.   We then spent a few hours bobbing in the pool, having lunch, having a few drinks and generally catching up. Oh yes and of course we had to try out the new selfie stick! Then we went our separate ways and reconvened in the upstairs restaurant at Leverick for an excellent meal and some very nice wine…. Was a lovely start to their holiday.

Pelican fishing

Resort beach Trying out the selfie stick in the pool Dinner in the post restaurant Scallop starter

After dinner we had pontoonies in the Jumbies Beach Bar with Josh the bartender before retiring to bed…..

Pontoonies with Josh the barman

Sunday morning and Carolyn and Ron came on board for breakfast. We are going across the North Sound to visit Sandbox for the day with dink. Carolyn went for a wander and came back very excited because she had seen a poster which advertised ‘free beer tomorrow’.   When Richard and Ron fell about laughing she realised that, of course, it is always tomorrow and you never actually get any.   Was funny…. Of course, I have to say, I would probably have fallen for it too!!!

Free beer tomorrow

Richard decided it would be more fun to take Morphie rather than dink so we left the dock, motored over and picked up a mooring ball.   We had mimosas to celebrate just being there – and lazed around a bit taking in the views – before heading in to the beach. We had a great time bobbing, playing with the waboba, having lunch – with Carolyn on a mission to find the best conch fritters in the islands again LOL – before returning to Morphie. We swam off the back and enjoyed the breeze before heading back in.

Morphie enjoying the view Sandbox selfie

Back to our slip smoothly and all is well.   Carolyn and Ron then went back to their room for a while…

Tonight we had decided to take the ferry to Saba Rock. While we were waiting on the dock some American guy asked me if my accent was for real – thought I was putting it on!   How rude / stupid is that? But we got our own back when they told us they came from Texas – Richard quickly replied with “Where’s that?!?” The look on their stunned faces was hilarious!   The little ferry turned up – and we climbed on board. We were expecting a little put put across the North Sound not a speed boat ride – boy that thing moves!   We then walked into Saba Rock and bumped into Lyle and Julia with their friends Bill and Helena.   Quick intros all round before they headed back to Orion and we sat down to enjoy a really nice dinner. Back on the ferry again and the annoying group were returning as well – this time we had to put up with really bad karaoke screaming / shouting of “Roxane”.   We were glad to get off the ferry onto the dock at Leverick to realise that the bar was shut – so we had a couple of pontoonies onboard.   Nice end to the evening and so to bed.

Saba Rock ferry

Monday morning and Carolyn and Ron came over for a late breakfast. It was miserable weather – really drizzly and grey.   After breakfast we went shopping into Pussers and a couple of other shops – Carolyn and Ron managed to buy some stuff and I got a bracelet too…..   We were going to then laze by the pool but rain stopped play again – so we just ended up sitting in the bar chatting.   At which point Carolyn and Ron went off to buy her a bracelet and came back with rum for Morphie and a pair of earrings for me.   Very kind….thank you……

Later on we reconvened for the pirates show by Michael Beans.   We had made the reservation on Friday but didn’t get a great table – nice position but hard benches to sit on, rather than individual chairs. So had a word with the organiser and we got moved – much more comfortable.   The Orion gang turned up – suitably attired in pirate fashion – and we had a great evening watching the show, singing along, blowing conch shells, waving the jolly roger, chatting, drinking etc etc etc.   Was really good fun.

Pirate show 1 Pirate show 2 Pirate show 3 Pirate show 4 Pirate show 5 Pirate show 6 Pirate show 7

Afterwards Orion left to eat at the fancy restaurant upstairs while we hung about so Carolyn could buy a pirate shirt!   Then we ate downstairs by the pool off the more casual menu. Had a nice meal and then a relatively early night….. Amazing how tired you can get doing not much LOL!

Tuesday morning and we were up early preparing Morphie to leave the confines of the marina and head back out to sea. Carolyn and Ron turned up on the golf buggy with their luggage so we pulled out around 9 ish – bound for Anegada.   Unfortunately the weather forecast was wrong in that although we had a lovely sunny morning with flat calm seas there was absolutely no wind at all…. Nada…. Nothing.   Shame – so we ended up having to motor. The upside was that it was much easier to prepare the bacon butties to eat underway for breakfast!

Flat seas

After a few miles we saw a few catamarans going around in circles – as we got closer we realised there was something in the water near them.   So we slowed down and watched from a distance – it was a whale!!!!   Only a baby having fun broaching, popping his head back up, doing the dive thing with his tail…   What a sight – beautiful.   Was annoyed though by how close the boats were to him and wondered about his mum.   Respectful distance from these beautiful creatures please! Rant over…   Because we were so far away with our view often blocked by the circling boats it was difficult to get a photo – but here is a hazy one just to prove it happened.

Catamarans circling Whale!

Wow what an experience……   Richard then decided to go fishing. Yawn….. here we go again….   Anyway, it can’t have been more than half an hour and the lure goes screaming away   Richard excitedly pulls it in – no thrashing, no fighting, nothing. Thought he’d caught weed and was disappointed until it got close to the boat and then a fish started flapping about.   Yay! Oh dear, another barracuda so nothing for tea, but hey – he caught a fish!!!!!   Hurrah!!!!!

Fish 1 Fish 2

Arriving into Anegada we were surprised with how all the boats were laying in the water – no wind so they were facing 180 degrees where they would normally sit.   So this means that we are going to anchor the ‘wrong’ way and will swing back later – oh yes and there is a squall out there on the horizon. So we got set and then Richard took Carolyn and Ron ashore to check into Neptunes – I stayed behind to keep an eye out. On his return we decided to feel our way in towards Neptunes – very shallow water there – to see if we can get anchored closer.   We went down to just under two feet under the keel on at one stage – but managed to find a spot directly opposite the hotel – with two and a half feet under us.   Much better position here especially for late night dink rides.

Anegada anchorage

Once we were all set we took ourselves off to meet Carolyn and Ron – made our dinner reservations – and then headed off in a taxi to Cow Wreck beach bar.   Was stunned by the beauty of this place –photos really cannot do it justice….. We had a few drinks – enjoyed some bobbing – and was given a tour by Belle of her brand new kitchen.   Very nice!     We were then picked up by our taxi to return to Neptunes and went our separate ways until later.   Back on board we enjoyed a beautiful Anegada sunset.

Cow Wreck beach Cow Wreck beach 2 Bobbing at Cow Wreck Cow Wreck beach 3 Anegada sunset

Around 7pm we went ashore – met up in the outside bar – and then wandered to our table. Had a really good meal and some wine and a perfect end to a perfect day.

Dinner at Neptunes

We hadn’t noticed that it was raining – although we were sitting outside, we were undercover – oh no, that means a very wet dink ride back. We did stand around for a little while to see if it would pass – no chance – so we had to man up and get wet!   As we got to Morphie I realised that I’d left all the beach towels on the rail too – so off course they are all soaked now….   So put extra pegs on them and decided to leave them there overnight.   Richard and I had a pontoonie in the cockpit to warm ourselves up – decidedly cool tonight in the rain – and then to bed.

This morning – Wednesday – and we are going ashore to meet them for breakfast… And the plan is to explore the island by car today. Richard and I have never actually done this – so should be fun!   Really looking forward to it….

Bye for now


PS – Pat and June – please give hugs to Jamie, Rufus and JJ from us all – and remember to reply to your e-mails!!!!!   For other readers to know – Jamie and Rufus are Carolyn and Ron’s two dogs…. JJ is theirs….